1964 Barry Goldwater Campaign Film | “Choice”

5 months ago

Oct. 21, 1964 - At the request of Senator Barry Goldwater, this Republican documentary film depicting America’s “moral decay” under President Johnson has been temporarily withdrawn. It will not be shown tomorrow afternoon as scheduled on NBC.
Goldwater’s decision was made after deletions by NBC officials of 60 of the most risqué seconds of the 30-minute movie and a statement from the Democratic National Chairman, John Bailey, that it was “the sickest political program to be conceived since television became a factor in American politics.”
The film was underwritten by the National Citizens for Goldwater‐Miller, which agreed to censorship of certain scenes. They included front shots of a woman in a topless bathing suit, views of pornographic book covers, strip‐teasers in the final phases of their performances, and a man clad only in a fig leaf.
The implication of the film is that the nation’s morals have deteriorated drastically since Johnson came to the White House, and that the President’s character is suspect.
Despite Goldwater’s request, it seems likely the movie will be presented at some point.
A brief statement late this afternoon from the Republican National Chairman, Dean Burch, said:
“At the request of Senator Goldwater, the Citizens for Goldwater‐Miller film entitled ‘Choice’ has been withdrawn.”
Soon thereafter, G. Frederick Mullen, director of the news bureau of the Citizens for Goldwater‐Miller, said:
“Naturally, we are acceding to the request of Senator [Goldwater] and are proceeding now to make minor changes in the film to take into account new developments. The changes have nothing to do with Mr. Bailey’s charges. The film will be shown as soon as possible.”
Also in doubt is the fate of 200 unexpurgated prints of the movie that have already been distributed to communities in 47 states by the Mothers for Moral America, a recently organized division of the Goldwater citizens’ group.
“Choice” cost $65,000 to produce. The half hour of NBC network time bought for showing between 2 and 2:30 P.M. tomorrow cost $35,000. Because of the expense, Russell Walton, public relations director of Citizens for Goldwater‐Miller, said the movie would be shown on a network only once.
He added that it would be “shown and reshown” on local stations on time bought by local groups supporting Goldwater and be presented to clubs and civic groups throughout the nation.
Earlier today, NBC said that it considered certain sequences in the film “unduly suggestive” and that it had deleted them with the cooperation of the “sponsoring organization.”
“In the interest of freedom of political expression, NBC does not attempt to censor the editorial content of paid political broadcasts,” the network’s statement said. “But it does reserve the right to question material that might be defamatory or morally improper for family viewing.”
After viewing an uncut version of “Choice,” Democratic Chairman Bailey said today:
“Frankly I would rather trust the morality of my grandchildren to their parents than to the so‐called Mothers for Moral America, who seem to be spending their time promoting money to put a salacious movie into the living rooms of America when they might accomplish more morality by taking their children and dogs for a romp in the colorful autumn woods.”
Mr. Mullen, of the Goldwater citizens’ group, said that he found nothing immoral in the portion to be deleted for television showing.

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