Justified by God, Redeemed through Jesus

5 months ago

God will not overlook sin. He is just and righteous and every sin will be judged. The cross is the example of God's righteousness and the love He has us. God knows that someone had to pay the price for the sins of the world and because God in His love for us and promise that He would never destroy man by flood again for our sinfulness chose His Son to represent us on the cross. Jesus paid that price to keep in line with God's righteousness.

Jesus hanging on the cross is the atonement for all of man's sins. Jesus is the path to forgiveness, through Him we can be set free from the bondage of this world. In Jesus there is clarity between good and evil and that clarity is evident to those who want to see the truth. We understand God's grace and mercy, we understand the sacrifice that Jesus made for each individual person on earth.

Just as God brought Jesus as the means to forgiveness, through the cross, He is also our means to get into heaven. God made it very simple for us to receive heaven. We just need to believe in God and receive Jesus, repent of our sins and seek forgiveness. These are the positive actions that God expects each one of us to take in our walk with Him. If we are to have a close personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, then we need to live by the rules that God has developed and put forth to us. These are not the laws of Moses but the Ten Commandments. God is fair and just, He is not someone that will force you to live according to His principles. But God ultimately knows the path each one of us are on, He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. He will bring to our attention those things that will separate us from Him. God has brought us the Holy Spirit and through the Holy Spirit we are convicted of our sins.

Personal choice is an important part in our spiritual walk and growth in Christ. It is only through our decision to walk the talk, talk the walk and give our lives to the Triune God that we are put on the straight and narrow path sharing in God's righteousness. God, through His word provides the guard rails around us so we don't run off the cliff. But God also gives us independent thought and choice. God gives us the ability to choose right from wrong and independently determine the path we go down. God will let us fail through our endeavors but also knows what will break us. When I speak of breaking, it is breaking us into submission to Him. God wants our hearts, He wants our sincerity to be present when we interact with others. God wants kind words to flow in our conversation always including and pointing to Jesus. It is through our own personal testimonies, experiences and relationship we have developed with Christ that non-believers will see how your life will change with Christ in it. Our testimony is about our personal relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. How God has changed our lives and really impacted the way we think and behave. How we can be free from sin and how to live a more robust fulfilling life with Christ leading while we are following Him.

Boasting has no place in the kingdom of God. All of our efforts should be pointed to God. All of our actions and words should be to glorify God. When we represent God, we should do it with respect and admiration. We should be proud of our choice we made to have a sound relationship with God through Christ.

Jesus' sacrifice is for all who believe in Him and as true believers our debt has been paid in full. God is the one who justifies us to Him. In some circles the belief and teachings are that God will conform to you. This is a false teaching that must be corrected every time we hear of it.

The Old and New Testaments are just as relevant today as they were for the many centuries before us. It is the instruction set given to us by God so we may live a more righteous life each and every day. Through the strength of Jesus, we are empowered to live that life. We are given the right tools to live with Christ, for Christ and in Christ. Our lives will change for the better when we decide that the Triune God is more important to us than even our own selves. Yes we need to respect ourselves and respect others, love ourselves and love others but not at the expense of putting God first in our lives and losing out on ALL the blessings that God has stored for us in this life and in our heavenly life living with Jesus for eternity.

I pray that we would finally realize that Jesus is real. That God's word is real and that when we believe in the Triune God, then we will receive the Triune God. Our salvation is dependent on the simple belief that Jesus is the Son of God and He is the one who died for our sins. I pray that our faith and obedience would grow on an exponential level so that we may all live for and with Christ for eternity. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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