Street Pharaoh: Storyboard B-Side 🎭🎏

3 months ago

This haunting video was created from a song that was written circa 2003, if I'm not mistaken, by a mighty band called Art-Lord & The Self-Portraits, who eventually become the legendary @FutureIslandsMusic . Cheers to good times old friends...those golden salad days of our youths misspent in a balmy college town in North Carolina. What an an era, an era estraña. Glad I was there to be part of it. Cheers as always @Plazmapunk for the software. More to come Fishheads, so be sure to hit that notification bell so you'll be notified that fresh fish hath been serveth. You should've seen the script for this one...took me like 5 hours to write out, but well worth it, yes? Until next time, be good. So sayeth FisH™~🎣

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