How many works do you need to go to heaven ?

3 months ago

How many works do you need to go to heaven ?
Do i need to do any work to go to heaven ?
How many works i do will satisfy Jesus according to the bible ?

How many works do you need to go to heaven ? The bible says that we are saved by works also . It means that someone need to do works Question Where in this verse does it say that humans do the works ? Nowhere In fact Jesus said the works that i do the Father does in me . When the bible sometimes says such as Work out your own salvation . In context it is saying that God does the works .

Do i need to do any work to go to heaven ? If we were saved by works then we would not need Jesus as we could save ourselves and go to heaven by our own works . But our best works are as dirty rags . How efficient is this to go to heaven ? None . The bible says that if it is by works, then it is no mor eof faith .
How many works i do will satisfy Jesus according to the bible ? Do you believe to be saved by works? Then you are no longer saved by faith . You need to chose which one it is .

How many works do you need to go to heaven ? Paul is clear if you believe works then you are no longer under faith . Those who believe to be saved by worls are required to follow all the laws and never miss in one point . But as Jesus died for you , then Jesus took your penalty and when you ask Him Jesus gives you his righteousness .

Do i need to do any work to go to heaven ? Can you immagine human beings believing thatthey have righteousness of their own ? How offensive when we know that none is good not one . And that we have all turned way All have sinned and come short of the glory of God . How many works i do will satisfy Jesus according to the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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