Satanic scum who falsely accused unvaccinated parents of being child abusers dies from the vaccine

5 months ago

Many more videos coming that will continue to mock the children of satan. Yes, every single vaccinated adult in the world is a child of satan. Those who voluntarily took it, (taking it for your job doesn't count as being "forced" to take it) will burn in hell for changing their DNA from that of God to that of satan. Anyone who shames you for believing in God or thinking that the vaccine is the mark of the beast (which it is) is a worthless parasite that deserves to burn in hell for mocking the children of God. They will even go after your own children and try to force them to take it. Geordie Guy, the parasite from the video shown, certainly did his satanic duty of wrongfully shaming those who did not want their children to be forcibly inoculated by the vials of the fallen angels. He also thought the unvaccinated were somehow making money for speaking out against the vaccine. The unvaccinated lost their jobs for refusing to take the mark, dumbass. How can they make money for speaking out against it when they have been, inlcuding myself, repeatedly censored on the internet for talking about how dangerous it is? Geordie Guy is the perfect example of a brainwashed slave who deserves to burn in hell for going after innocent purebloods when the truly evil scum are him and his masters.

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