Ellen G White full audiobook wordd of encouragement to self supporting workers

5 months ago

Original audio https://ellenwhiteaudio.org/
Words of encouragement to self supporting workers Ellen G White full audiobook
Ellen G White full audiobook words of encouragement to self supporting workers
Ellen G White full audiobook seventh day Adventist church

Words of encouragement to self supporting workers Ellen G White full audiobook God never said that one should follow the general conference only Ellen G White preached in free seventh day adventist churches She had a son who was a self supporting worker As the conference did not want to help him He went on working with Jesus . Spalding and Megan were other self supporting workers that Ellen G White encouraged.

Ellen G White full audiobook wordd of encouragement to self supporting workers The seventh day adventist church is not a business, it is not an organisation , it is not a business charity
. The seventh day adventist church is not even a church It is a mouvement to spread the 3 angels message to the world . It has become much more than than and very wordly in its way of conducting things like abuse of power that Ellen G White talks about Jesus is the ultimate leader of every christian .

Ellen G White full audiobook seventh day Adventist church We should not be rebels to the point of wilfull rebellion to authority But when aurhority does not follow the bible then we have to follow Jesus . As we cannot enter into their sin of rebellion against God and his ways of working . Words of encouragement to self supporting workers Ellen G White full audiobook

The seventh day Adventist church has become very blind to its mission They spend most of their money and time on themselves O what terrible blindness when in fact the only reason for their existence is to tell the world about the 3 angels message and the love of Jesus . Ellen G White full audiobook wordd of encouragement to self supporting workers

God back to mission and fighting will end and the christian who is spending his time evangelizing is a living christian who always has a word to tell to others Ellen G White full audiobook seventh day Adventist church A christian who does the word of God is a living christian filled with the Holy Spirit and energy for God When a seventh day adventist does not do the worl of God you can see it right away, they have no message for anyone They are sleepy virgins . Wake up from your slumber before it is too late . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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