How many seventh day Adventists will finally be saved ?

4 months ago

How many seventh day Adventists will finally be saved ?
How many seventh day Adventists will go to heaven ?
Are seventh day Adventist on the way to heaven ?

How many seventh day Adventists will finally be saved ? It is one thing to accept the three angels message and have the end time truth But it is another to become converted . This is the problem in many Adventist churches when i speak about righteousness by faith and the seventh day Adventist being lukewarm people get very angry .

How many seventh day Adventists will go to heaven ? For those of you who are not seventh day Adventist did you know that if you say in adventist church that they are lukewarm they will treat you as an offcast and think you are a offshoot and an evil person ? Look the 3 angels message is the truth, but we see a very serious problem in the church also .

Are seventh day Adventist on the way to heaven ? Read the qhotes below brother and see that Ellen White the prophet even said that most who believed in the 3 angels message will not go to heaven It is clear But when you show those qhotes to some seventh day adventist they ditch them and forget about them as inimportant as They want to believe that they are all good .

The light given me has been very forcible that many would go out from us, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. {2SM 392.2}
In the last vision given me, I was shown the startling fact that but a small portion of those who now profess the truth will be sanctified by it and be saved. {1T 608.3}
The message to the church of the Laodiceans is a startling denunciation, and is applicable to the people of God at the present time. {3T 252.1}

How many seventh dayv Adventists will finally be saved ? Ellen White says what greater deception to believe one is all right when one is all wrong Incredible She had a dream where many who were traveling the broad way really believed in their heart that they were traveling the narrow path Incredible right ?

How many seventh day Adventists will go to heaven ? The probem is onconverted people To know the 3 angels message does not mean one is converted Satan believes the 3 angels message Satan believes in the sabbath But he is still Satan . Are seventh day adventist on the ay to heaven ? Earth last day bible channel like , suscribe and support

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