Amazing spirit of prophecy vision in the new testament

3 months ago

What is the Spirit of prophecy in the bible
Amazing spirit of prophecy vision in the new testament
Who is the Spirit of prophecy Which vision did she have ?

What is the Spirit of prophecy in the bible The Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy It means this end time prophet will be world wide She will preach the 3 angels message . They would keep the commandments of God including the sabbath .

Amazing spirit of prophecy vision in the new testament Who is a worldwide prophet today ? Joseph Smith from the Mormons, The Watchtower society from the Jehovahs witnesses and Ellen G White from the seventh day Adventist church According to the bible one of those 3 prophets need to be a worldwide prophet . Who is the Spirit of prophecy Which vision did she have ?

This woman had 3000 visions She told us in 1902 that the towers of New York would fall . I remember i was living in United states then and i went to church the day after the event And the pastor did not know the verses were in the Spirit of prophecy . He told me to bring the book to hm and he read the veses He was shocked at this prophecy of Ellen G White in her writings . What is the Spirit of prophecy in the bible

This women said in 1903 that soon San Francisco would be destroyed In 1906 San Francisco was destroyed . Amazing spirit of prophecy vision in the new testament She had hundreds of prophecies and she is the last prophet of bible prophecy to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus . Are you ready ? Do you know the 3 angels message Why- not study it now ? Read the great controversy Ellen g White Who is the Spirit of prophecy Which vision did she have ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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