Independent seventh day Adventist sermons and talks

4 months ago

Independent seventh day Adventist sermons and talks
Independent seventh day Adventist missionary sermon video
Is the seventh day Adventist church lukewarm and Laodicea ?

Independent seventh day Adventist sermons and talks Jesus says that the church is blind naked wretched and in need of all things Yet in many seventh day Adventist churches it is true that we have the truth the last message for planet earthy The 3 angels messages . But the church is naked It means they have rejected the AT Jones and EJ Waggoner message of 1888

Independent seventh day Adventist missionary sermon video IN 1888 God sent two preachers to give the last message for planet earth after the 3 angels message The righteousness by faith message Most leaderrs of the seventh day Adventist church have rejected this message This is why Jesus says to his last church they are naked They preach the truth But some present it in a legalistic manner .
Is the seventh day Adventist church lukewarm and Laodicea ? Conversion says Ellen g White is a rare experience She also says that only a few of those who have professed faith in the 3 angels message will finally be saved by it .

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