Are you wearing the robe of righteousness ?

3 months ago

What is the robe of righteousness ?
Are you wearing the robe of righteousness ?

What is the robe of righteousness ? The robe of righteousness is what most christians do not have Unless you have it you will not enter heaven The name christian will not save you, your church emmbership will not save you . But a transformed heart . Righteousness can only be found in God , thus nobody can be saved by works as only God can give us power to to righteousness .

Are you wearing the robe of righteousness ? The robe of righteousness can only be given when we first realize we are sinner This is the biggest step for many as most people think they are good people . Nobody is good, there is not one good no one . Only God is good. The best christian works is useless for heaven

What is the robe of righteousness ? Onlce we understand there is none good and men as the grass withers away Then we can ask God everyday to give us his righteousness This step cannot be received while the person think they are a good person Are you wearing the robe of righteousness ? As a good person does not see their sinfulness and they do not see how sinful they are . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support our ministry thanks

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