s fornication sex outside mariage and it is a sin ?

5 months ago

Is fornication sex outside mariage and it is a sin ?
Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ?

Is fornication sex outside mariage and it is a sin ? It is better to mary than to burn No sex outside mariage is not a sin because God never changes and when you ask a Rbbi they will tell you that in old testament times people would have sex and get married later ? Le 18 15 when a woman has sex with a men they shall wash themselves and be unclean until the evening . It is better to marry but Gods ideal is not always what circumnstances show as for food Gods ideal is for us to eay raw food only like with Adam and Eve .

Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ? Fornication never means sex outside mariage fornication is the sins found in leveticus 16 Which are adultery, hoosecuality, lesbianism, incest, bestiality, adultery . This is what the bible says But it never mentions sex outside mariage as a sin . Is fornication sex outside mariage and it is a sin ? But it is better to mary and have only one spoune the rest of your life .

Is fornication a sin according to the new testament ? Fornication originally is an arch where prostitutes for Satan used to stand ? Fornication is sexual act with prostitute for favour from Satan this is the true meaning of the word ? No wonder that Paul said i do not want you to be the temple of God and the temple of Satan . As early christians in that particular church used to go se eprostitutes and go to church at the same time . Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support our ministry


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