Jew Shuts Down Jew For Jesus

5 months ago

One of the fundamental concepts of Judaism is to free humanity from idolatry and to bring the understanding of Oneness to all. Although it is forbidden for Jews to proselytize or to attempt to convince non-Jews to become Jews, it is however a Jewish responsibility to counter the practice of idolatry, which sometimes is performed through the belief in just one idol.

Since Christians also believe the Old Testament is the word of G-d (not just the new testament), Christians do not view themselves to be idolators, since they really think a Jewish man named Yeshu (aka Jesus) was G-d. It is for this reason that that in their perspective Christians do not view themselves as worshiping an idol. What's strange, is that Christians become extremely offended and shocked when they hear Jews (or other non-Christians) call their belief in Jesus a form of idolatry, and cannot fathom how others got to such a conclusion.

Well, just as non-Christians must accept the fact that Christians believe Jesus is G-d, even if they disagree, Christians also have to realize that anyone that isn't a Christian and rejects the notion that Jesus is a G-d, will view the belief in Jesus as a G-d as a form of idolatry. Christians may still disagree with this conclusion, but it is not insulting or shocking that non-Christians (including Jews) view Christianity as a form of idolatry.

If Christians want to be given the right to believe in X, they must also respect the right for non-Christians not to believe in X and to be honest with it.

That being said, although Jews who practice Christianity have strayed away from their People's spiritual path, they are not any less fellow brothers & sisters of Am Israel, and Jews should not reject them with hate, but seek to heal them with love.

For all those who are interested in comparing the scriptures that organizations like J for J bring forth, I recommend everyone to learn from Rav Tovia Singer found here: @toviasi and to dive deep into the manipulations of texts and language that such organizations go through in order to spread their belief in their idol.

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