Article 5008 Video - International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Putin, Yet Again By Anna Von Reitz

25 days ago

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Article 5008 Video - International Public Notice: Dear Mr. Putin, Yet Again - Saturday, September 14, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

As you know, our country, The United States, has never been a member of NATO. We have, instead, been misrepresented by our Federal Subcontractors who have engaged in NATO and many other such alliances "in our names" and have formed sea-treaties that mock the real thing.

The core of our common problem resides in London, in the Inner City of London, in Rome and Vatican City, in Geneva, in the Dutch enclave, and regrettably, Washington, DC, which is, again, an international enclave that is set apart from our country as a whole and operating as a rogue independent city-state. Likewise, the specific enclave of the United Nations and Municipality of New York designated NYC, are perched on our land without any permission from us.

These corporations, both commercial and municipal, have been the source of over 300 years of criminality, war-mongering for profit, fraud, piracy, coercion, racketeering, and unlawful conversion.

In our case, all wars since and including The American Civil War, are directly linked to these corporations and their operators and chief supporters. We have been their victims along with the rest of the world.

Our people have been left dumbed down and ignorant of their own history, much less world history. They have been illegally and immorally conscripted under false pretenses and lied to copiously by these same lawless corporations and their CEOs.

Most American Service Members don't even realize that they have been hired as cheap mercenaries and misapplied as such. They go into battle firmly believing that it is to save their country from whatever False Flag has been used to inflame their emotions--- and whatever lies have been told to them.

We, the actual government, have never been incorporated. We remember our 1858 Alliance with Russia and have already informed the United Nations that we honor that agreement and we refuse to fund NATO's aggression and object to any other implementation of our credit in any form -- including guns and missiles -- used to attack Russia.

They are obligated to protect us, not to attack anyone else. So let us, and the entire rest of the world, put these criminal corporations in their place. Let's vote with our money and discipline the banks.

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