About the Aggregator Social Media Site

5 months ago

Just a little bit about aggregator by https://data-gator.net

More details to follow when it gets closer to launch. No definite date yet, but the site is coming along nicely. Shouldn't be much longer now...

This is just some of the details, but there are a lot of things not covered in this intro. Looking forward to when it is ready, and I hope people will use it. We don't give your data to third parties under ANY circumstances. You have our word on that. We are going through many steps to keep any info you put on our site completely confidential. Find and keep up with people you know in real life while maintaining your anonymity, and without exposing your information to the world.

We won't screw you like facebook has, you can trust our site, and we will keep our word on that no matter what. Free speech. Family. Friends. all without Mark Zuckerberg following you everywhere you go online. We don't follow you either. You leave our site, you leave alone and we'll see you again when you come back.

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