Common false teachings of apostate protestant and cahtolic church

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Common false teachings of apostate protestant and cahtolic church 1
Which are some false teachings of the cahtolic and protestant churches ?
Which teachings of the protestant and catholic church are false ?

Common false teachings of apostate protestant and cahtolic church Thee ar emany false teachings that have come in the churches Many people in these churches are very kind and humble But when we take time to compare with the bible we find many false teachings . Which are some false teachings of the cahtolic and protestant churches ?

Some of those teachings are sunday worship, immortality of the soul, nuns, once saved always saved, the secret rapture , anttichrist in the future , and many more How can we know the truth ? We take every verse about a topic from Genesis to revelation and compare Which teachings of the protestant and catholic church are false ? Then we take the contact of the chapter and the Greek and Hebrew . Common false teachings of apostate protestant and cahtolic church

Then we ask God to lead us into the truth . Which are some false teachings of the cahtolic and protestant churches ? All honest people will accept the truth All dishonest will reject the truth . As a liar will have acustomed his heart to deceive others and himself and his mind will be unable to discern truth and lies .

Which teachings of the protestant and catholic church are false ? This is in fact how God will judge all people By how we receive the light he sends us Are we going to be honest or dishonest ? Common false teachings of apostate protestant and cahtolic church Sunday is a pagan day of worship not the christian day People do not go to heaven when they dieHell is not forever but people wil burn up in hell Which are some false teachings of the cahtolic and protestant churches ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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