Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24

5 months ago

Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24
End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation

Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24 Paul said that deception was coming How ? By false beliefs Doctrines of devils will fill the churches We are living in this time In the times of Paul there was one church Today there are 2 the remnant of revelation 12 and Babylon the great the mother of harlots . After Paul died wolves entered in and there was also 2 churches The Waldenss church and the papacy . Which one had thr truth of the bible ?

End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation The Women of revelation is said to keep the commandments of God , keep the sabbath saturday , has the spirit of prophecy , a true prophet and preaches the 3 angels messages and the sanctuary message Pastor Bill Hugues SDA Prophecy Update 6 24 The sanctuary message is also the time of the judgment message which we find in daniel 7 14 that says 2300 days and the sanctuary shall be cleansed; End time bible prophecy sermon on the book of revelation Earth last day bible channel like suscribe and support

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