Are there arguments that prove that Islam is the true religion of Allah or not ?

3 months ago

Can Islam be the true religion of Allah and the last religion ?
Are there arguments that prove that Islam is the true religion of Allah or not ?

Can Islam be the true religion of Allah and the last religion ? Allah muslims say is the true God God told all people to abistain from pork meat because it causes sickness . God asks us to pray everyday as when we pray we keep angels of God near us and God can listen to our petitions and answer our needs . God asks us to fast so that our prayers have more power to be heard from him in heaven .

Are there arguments that prove that Islam is the true religion of Allah or not ? It is true that God sends prophets so that we can be guided in the right path . Prophets tell us of what is coming on the earth so that we can be warned

When false prophets warn people are deceived , when a true prophet of God warns us then we are saved Who is the last prophet of God ? Can Islam be the true religion of Allah and the last religion ? What is the last book of God ? What is the last religion ? Are there arguments that prove that Islam is the true religion of Allah or not ? Earth last day bible channel like, suscribe and support

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