Travelling far and wide in search of yummy Indian savories, Indian Curry is not my cup of tea or coffee!

17 days ago

Yes, you read that right!
I'm a DELICATE soul, I can't swallow anything spicy!
However, give me Indian savories, as long as they are NOT very spicy,watch me GAZUMP them in a jiffy!
Over the years, I've tried more than 10 outlets dishing out Indian savories, however, by far the BEST (and my FAVOURITE) is the one in South Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 1RD, which is West London!
A bit of a trip for me, but I don't mind 'cos I'm getting "KWALITY", at the end of the day, this is just my own PERSONAL opinion/taste!
Your taste buds might be entirely different to mine, so be WARNED!
It's a small independent takeaway, though they have ONE small table with 4 chairs, if you wish to munch there and then!
I bet you can't wait for me to reveal the name of the outlet?
Well, all good things come to people who have PATIENCE, so stay SOBER?!!
OK, OK, stop swearing at me, I know it's the 21st century!
I'm an OLD school character, I don't fit into your era, but unfortunately it is what it is?
I don't have much choice! The outlet is called "Prasad", South Road, Southall, Middlesex UB1 1RD.
They are opposite Iceland, the supermarket chain, NOT Iceland, the country!
I wouldn't travel to Iceland, even if the savories were served "gold plated!"
Unfortunately, they do NOT have a website!
I reckon they are like me, old fashioned OLD school characters?! They open around 10 am? I've never seen any opening/closing hours displayed on their door, however, most businesses in Southall, open around 10 or 11 am and close around 8 or 9 pm, or beyond?!
Needless to say, these guys open 8 days a week, I mean SEVEN days a week!!
The grub is bloody good, again in MY opinion!
You might think otherwise?
The bleedin' QUEUES are horrendous, not surprising 'cos they do serve a tasty munch!
Most of the stuff is cooked "live" in their kitchen!
There's even a choice of TWO samosas!
A "normal samosa" and a "punjabi samosa!"
Both samosas are vegetarian so I have no idea what's the difference between the two?
I AIN'T no chef!
I prefer to SWALLOW the punjabi version!
The menu is large enough to satisfy any neLLy on the beLLy!!
Loads of different varieties of Indian (BURRFEE) sweets and JALABEES, without the BEES running rings around the Jalabees!
Because it's a bit of a trip for me, I tend to buy in BULK, and SWALLOW at leisure over several weeks!
As mentioned above, it's always jam packed with customers, so huge QUEUES form most of the time, even though they have up to 5 ladies serving at any given time, therefore, be prepared to wait for your order to be "cooked live, or else you'll be "cooked ALIVE" in the long queue, if you see what I mean?!!
FINALLY, a) I do NOT get any handouts for mentioning them here, I believe in giving "something back if I've received exceptional value/service for my do$h!"
b) WARNING: They ONLY ACCEPT CASH, in STERLING, NOT in fistful of dollars or handful of RUPEES! 
c) NO credit cards, NO debit cards and NO bleedin' cheques!!
d) BEST time to visit, Monday to Friday, between 10 am and 1 pm, to avoid the horrendous queues!
e) Don't even think of visiting Saturdays or Sundays, if you MUST, go between 10 am and noon!!
"F") NO, I'm not trying to swear at you, but feel free to leave comments (below), as to whether you like their grub, as mentioned above, your taste buds might be very different to mine? 
"G") for Good Luck!

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