Grizzly Bears

6 months ago

Grizzly bears are found today in Alaska, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington. Grizzly bears are generally larger and heavier than other bears. Adult males average 400 to 600 pounds and adult females 250 to 350 pounds. You may be scared of sharks, but you should be even more scared of grizzly bears. They attack at much higher rates and can be deadly. Only around 1,500 grizzlies remain in the lower 48 United States. Despite their large size, grizzly bears can actually run pretty fast. They can run up to 30 miles per hour. They have a huge hump on their shoulder that helps them reach top speeds. The claws of a grizzly bear can be 4 inches long, which is roughly the size of your fingers. Grizzly bears go through a mild form of hibernation called torpor. During this time, their heart rate slows down to as low as 8 beats per minute. Learn the characteristics of bears and what you can do to prevent human-bear conflict. Grizzlies are iconic creatures of the wilderness.

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