The Egyptian false beard - a symbol for correct spinal posture?

5 months ago

The beard is an ancient symbol of experience, leadership, knowledge, and wisdom.

But perhaps the beard held another important symbolic meaning for our wise and subtle ancestors - an energetic meaning?

When viewed as a symbol of energy control and self-mastery the beard takes on a whole new light. An obvious sign of experience, guidance, and wisdom, the beard may also symbolise the control and guidance of the conserved creative energy.

When the sacred force is lifted from the hips and drawn up along the spinal column it can encounter obstacles and energetic bottlenecks. The junction between the thoracic and cervical vertebrae, at the base of the neck, is one such location. The age-old problem of forward head posture can become a major cause of energy blockage in this area. The beard, when grown at length, can act as an aid and guide to help the practitioner remember, check, and adjust their head position. (if the beard is touching the chest, spinal alignment is correct).

The Egyptian false beard, a confusing symbol of Egyptian tradition on many levels, may also be looked upon in this light. The false beard can be viewed as a training aid and guide to remind and direct an adherent's attention back to the importance of spinal posture and the position of one's head when circulating the creative force. (and at all other times for that matter).

In this way, the beard can be thought of as not only a symbol of experience, leadership, and wisdom. But also a symbol of the knowledge of the spinal column and the vital importance of correct spinal alignment when working with the sacred light, the preserved creative energy.

It is not the beard itself that is important but its significance as a symbol and what it stands for - the ancient knowledge of energy work and the great benefits that this age-old practice can bring to humanity.

Again, my apologies for the poor narration and audio. I have had some difficulties with settings and software. Hopefully, future videos will be better in this regard and with a little luck, I can upgrade the software soon.

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