Controlling The Zionist Narrative

5 months ago

The Zionist The Argentinian President Javier Milei criticises The Zionist UK PM Kier Starmer. Both play for the same team just as The Zionist Donald Trump and the Zionist Kamala Harris: None of them touch the real issues:
- The pLandemic and The CV19 Jab is monetary policy as lockdown and massdeath do create deflation, the cornerstone of a monetary reset.
- The CV19 Jab is Global Genocide which facilitate The US$ monetary reset: The greatest robbery in human history aided by the greatest massmurder. Ever.

The Argentinian President Javier Milei:
-“Since the Socialists have come to power - they have been jailing people on Social Media... . Social Media makes them accountable & they don’t like it... . Are you watching Keir Starmer - the entire World is watching you destroy what was once the Greatest Democracy on Earth in Britain - nobody wants Commies running their Country which is what you are."

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