MR. NON-PC: Culture Vultures Stealing White TV Shows And Movies

5 months ago

So a few years back I was checking out some of the new shows and movies on AMC plus, and I couldn't help but to notice the series about Anne Boyelyn. And it's not like I was interested in watching the show itself, but the thumbnail had me STUNNED! 😆

They really decided to cast a black woman to portray Anne Boyelyn 🤣🤣🤣 Woooooooowwww

But it's not like any of this "corporate blackface" that we see daily is anything new, it's just gotten more in your face and obnoxious!!

And ever since ol' Georgie boy died a few years back, and all the weakass whites went insane, all this ethnomasochism/corporate blackface has kept accelerating at a neck-breaking pace!

In this video I'll give you my NON-PC opinion on who's behind all this full frontal "corporate blackface" that has captured white TV shows and movies (***hint*** they're not Christian 😉🤫🤣) and what we can do in our own lives to stand up to this humiliation ritual.

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