🗽 American Values RFK Jr: PDJT can dismantle CISA & the censorship-industrial complex

5 months ago

American Values 🗽 | RFK Jr: “The President can get in on Day One and issue an executive order forbidding any official in the US from colluding or pressuring social media or media companies to censor speech.” “He can issue another executive order going back to the Smith-Mundt Act, and forbidding the CIA propagandizing the American public, and all the national security agencies from doing that.

He can start dismantling CISA and the censorship-industrial complex.

He can end the modern iteration of Operation Mockingbird, the penetration by the CIA of so many of our particularly liberal media news sites.

Daily Best and Daily Kos and Rolling Stone have now been infiltrated by the security apparatus, and many, many others.

We need to also use the bully pulpit of the White House to give a civics lesson to Americans to remind them that censorship is always wrong.

The President should do a speech on this and say … we grew up in a generation where we all understood from reading Aldous Huxley, from reading Orwell, reading Robert Heinlein, reading Arthur Koestler … when totalitarian system emerge, the first step is always censorship.

Once you take that step, then you have already stepped down a slippery slope.”

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