Comments 245-246: Black People’s Dependency & Dollar Chasing Can't Transform Black America Or Africa

3 months ago

Comment Number 245 is on the AFRICAN DIASPORA NEWS CHANNEL As I have stated before, Black people in America, the West and worldwide are being targeted for "Elimination" if we do not change our status. Well... what status is that? ANSWER: Black people are the most dependent of all the races or ethnic groups on the planet and this Dependency has cost Whites and others trillions of dollars to sustain millions of Black people over the past 62 years while benefitting the Elites. Comment Number 246 is also on the AFRICAN DIASPORA NEWS CHANNEL. I have said this before. Millions of Black people cannot go back to Africa with the same Chasing Dollar mentally that millions have in America and everywhere else -- even in Black Africa. WHY? Chasing Currencies is totally dependent on Economic Stability and not Economic Control.

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