Zionist Scourge 2(read description)

1 month ago

It was the MOSSAD who did 9/11 as a means to drag us into war with the middle east. Larry Silverstein and his (((friends))) got rich off the destruction of the twin towers. The ADL is an organization that promotes Jewish Supremacy. It has slandered anyone who criticizes Israel as an antisemite. It is a Democrat and Leftist run organization that is an enemy to this nation. It is Jewish Democrats who promote and support gun control. They also control the media. 4/5 owners of the largest media companies are Jewish. And the fifth is the Murdochs, and they run Fox. Fox News are essentially Shabbos Goys. They also control the banks. The Rothchilds, who control almost every single country are Jewish. The Rothchilds tricked Britain during the Napoleonic war, making Britain believe they had lost, and then bought up all the bonds that had been sold. The Rothchilds were behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Both Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky were Jewish. Western banking interests funded the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution. Despite the fact that Jews only make up 2% of the population they make up about 60% of the CEOs. It is the Jews who are behind the Russia-Ukraine war. Both Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky are Jewish. The war is manufactured white-on-white violence. There are no ethnic differences between Russians and Ukrainians. The Jewish elite of the Soviet Union systemically starved the people of Ukraine. Among the Jews who developed the Communist slave labor system which caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, were Matvei Berman and Naftali Frenkel. Communism was created by a Jew, by the name of Karl Marx. Many of the Soviet secret police, such as Genrikh Yagoda were also Jews. And a Jew, Yakov Yurovsky had headed the death squad that butchered the Tsar of Russia and his family. In the United States many Leftist political movements were run by Jews. Among the America Communist leaders were Jay Lovestone, Benjamin Gitlow, William Weinstone, Bertram D. Wolfe, and Israel Amster. Two Jews, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg committed one of the most treacherous acts in American history by handing over American nuclear secrets to the Soviets. Today, Jewish Zionists and Leftists continue to have major influence on American politics. Jews contribute between one-quarter and one-third of all political contributions in the United States, including one-half of Democratic party contributions, and one-fourth of Republican contributions.

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