6.5 Westerner Hype

6 months ago

Yes, Randy calls it a "Westerner" rather than a "Western" on purpose and with intent. As it is hype. Just his way of poking the elephant.
Another new cartridge hits the ads and news. But it is really new? No, it is a marketing ploy, and not a good one. How do you tell the difference to it and cartridges already available? Is it really better than the 7 Rem. Mag?
Check out 6.8 Westerner [again, on purpose, as a poke, not ignorant as some have hinted] vs .270 Win. SM on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0ncW9k6VACU
Or on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v41g8je-6-8-westerner-vs-.270-win.-sm.html
Originally published on our Patreon channel in January of 2021, we now share it publicly.
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