"Outsmarting Alzheimer's! - Part 2

5 months ago

For Part 1 and much more information, see my Alzheimer's Resource Page:

There is a great deal of science, discovered over many years and ever accumulating, that sheds great insight into how Alzheimer's disease happens. What are the things that go missing that make a person vulnerable to this terrible condition? Knowing those things, what can we do to put them "back" before trouble ensues?

I am more than convinced that except for extreme cases, perhaps, of an APOE4 homozygous mutation, Alzheimer's disease is preventable, treatable, and symptoms reversible to some extent even in those who have lost considerable function.

My own mother began manifesting symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at age 49, in 1979. I have her genetic background in the MTHFR gene, but I am perfectly sure I will never have Alzheimer's disease. I have been preventing that possiblity for over 20 years, based on SCIENCE, and you can, too.

Please tune in and learn how knowing the truth can set you free of fear, worry, and disease.

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