Why is Starmer letting Biden paint a target on OUR backs for Russia?

24 days ago

Right, so I don’t know about you, but when I went to vote in the General Election and I’d done my homework and I knew who the different party leaders were and what they said they stood for, even if they were lying about it, I definitely would have noticed if Joe Biden was somewhere in the mix. Yet despite not being elected at all, Keir Starmer is allowing him to dictate what our weapons can be used for and can you guess what? He's saying our weapons, our storm shadow long range missiles that we’ve handed to Ukraine, can be used on Russian targets within Russian borders, which amounts to a declaration of war. Starmer appears to be so stupid, he’s prepared to allow Biden to make this call on our behalf, though goodness knows Keir Starmer himself has already been saying as much, and been condemned for it, a clear declaration of war ourselves on Russia as this would be, if our arsenal, no matter who uses it, can be used against another country, but now it pretty much looks like Biden is operating Starmer like a glove puppet.
Shall we just get rid of Starmer and foreign secretary David Lammy altogether and just have the White House’s people over instead? It would at least be more transparent that way it seems doesn’t it? But actually, it’s even worse than that. Where Biden will apparently let Ukraine use UK missiles against Russia, he won’t let them use American ordnance. Declaring war on behalf of other country’s but not his own! Now why would that be and why is Keir Starmer so stupid that he’d be willing to go along with this as seems to be the case?
Right, so what’s going on here then Damo? Well, in a nutshell Genocide Joe Biden has said Ukraine can use British long range missiles against targets behind the Russian border and if you think this isn’t going to happen, well, here’s the BBC admitting as much itself and let’s face it, normally they’d be the first to try and bury such news if the consequences perhaps weren’t so severe for us:
‘The US president could be on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use Western-made long-range missiles deep inside Russia, according to European officials, the New York Times reports.
But there would be a caveat – Ukraine wouldn’t be allowed to use weapons provided by the US for that purpose.
Joe Biden’s discussing the issue with British prime minister Keir Starmer in Washington today.
It would be part of a coordinated strategy, to help Ukraine push back after Russia’s full-scale invasion in February 2022.
The Anglo-French cruise missile Storm Shadow, which has a maximum range of around 250km (155 miles) is considered an ideal weapon for penetrating bunkers and ammunition stores.
The UK and France have already sent the weapons to Ukraine, but the caveat until now has been that it could only be used within Ukraine’s own borders.’
US president on the verge of allowing Ukraine to use Western-made long range missiles, for which you later read the storm shadows we provided, but the caveat is that US provided weapons cannot be used. So Biden. Joe Biden, too infirm to run for president any longer Joe Biden, is now dictating what all western weaponry supplied to Ukraine can be used for and is apparently placing us in the firing line to do so and all Keir Starmer can do it seems is go along with it and we know that, because he’s already been stopped himself from giving the OK to do this when it turned out he didn’t actually have the final say on such things. Now the man who does, Biden, is it seems going to go for it and we’re already being softened up to go along with this decision.
Secretary of State and nailed on Zionist Antony Blinken along with David Lammy held a joint speech, a press conference last Wednesday basically saying this is all Russia’s fault, they invaded Ukraine, they’ve brought this on themselves. As much as that might be true, it ignores the face that NATO expansionism eastwards following the fall of the Berlin Wall was a promise broken by NATO, which has always been seen as a threat to Russia, and the US backed coup in Ukraine back in 2014 pretty much put the US and therefore NATO, since the US calls all the shots there it seems going by this story, on Russia’s border. Nobody tends to remember to mention that bit and as much as you might support NATO and hate Putin, look at it from Russia’s perspective a moment here before you start making claims of Russia bad, NATO good, because things are never that simple. Yet our US backed politicians, being worn as meat puppets as they seem to be, would have you believe otherwise.
Regardless of your feelings one way or another on the matter of the Ukraine War and I’m very much of the opinion blame and fault lies with both sides, it always takes 2 to start a war, we ourselves here in the UK could now be dragged into this war to an extent we hadn’t been previously, because Putin is right when he says if UK made weapons for example are used against targets on Russian soil, that would be a declaration of war.
He did with Ukraine didn’t he? Was that not a declaration of war? Are we not blaming the US for the atrocities being witnessed in Gaza right now because they are supplying weapons when we know Israel are using against Palestinians? Are we not demanding our own weapons stop being sold to Israel because they might be being used against Palestinians and that might lead to the UK being charged with war crimes, or individuals within government certainly? Makes sense doesn’t it? So are we ourselves here in the UK about to become a target for Russia as a result of this move if we go ahead with allowing Ukraine to use our storm shadow long range missiles in Russia? Well, it seems obvious that we would and why just take my word for it, Putin himself has said it and this coverage of his comments by Anadolu Agency adds another more insidious slant to the story, which would if true implicate the West even more than just handing over weapons to Ukraine:
‘Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that allowing Kyiv to conduct long-range strikes against his country using Western weapons would mean NATO's direct involvement in the war in Ukraine.
"If this decision (allowing long-range strikes inside Russia using Western weapons) is made, it will mean nothing less than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, and European countries in the war in Ukraine," Putin told reporters following a forum in the city of St. Petersburg.
Putin claimed that the Ukrainian military is not capable of striking Russia with Western long-range weapons, and that this is only possible with the use of intelligence obtained from satellites belonging to NATO.
He further claimed the instructions for such weapons can only be entered by NATO military personnel, meaning that discussion on this matter raises a question of "whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not."
"This will mean that NATO countries, the United States, and European countries are fighting Russia. And if this is so, then, bearing in mind the change in the very essence of this conflict, we will make appropriate decisions based on the threats that will be created for us," he added.’
So handing Ukraine the missiles themselves may not be enough according to Putin, that without NATO intelligence, Ukraine could not find the right targets to use these missiles on. Now where it comes to military capabilities of individual countries, you’re not going to find that written down somewhere, so we can only take Putin’s claims on this at face value, but it is certainly true that Ukraine has been supported by the US, by the West basically from day one of Russia’s invasion. It is also true that Ukraine has been on a consistent and permanent begging bowl mission of help the whole way through, cash ordnance, all being supplied pretty much no questions asked because it’s Russia, so I find Putin’s claim here credible. Whether it’s true or not in actuality it sounds plausible and lets face it, he is a politician as much as anything else and we’re so accustomed to them lying, if as inevitably seems to be the case that David Lammy or someone else pops up to specifically deny this point, would you be inclined to believe him any more than Putin? I’m not so sure I would.
So sending the missiles and saying they can be used in Russia is bad enough in and of itself, that in my view passes the declaration of war remit. The possibility of NATO intelligence being used to guide said missiles compounds that, it isn’t in itself the difference maker here. However you choose to look at what Russia may do next, it is without doubt an escalation by the West and all the while Volodymyr Zelensky is stamping his tiny feet demanding the West makes it’s mind up faster over whether or not they are actually going to confirm this course of action and officially give him the green light to do this, because they know it is crossing a line, they know it is a direct escalation and of course this also confirms to my mind that Ukraine really is nothing without it’s Western backers, waiting as it is to move against Russia, because without them, Zelensky isn’t going to do it, but he will whinge about it, as he’s taken to Twitter to do, saying:
‘Putin interprets delays in helping us and in making strong decisions for Ukraine as permission to do whatever he wants’
What Zelensky has wanted for some time is for more nations to be drawn into the conflict, much as Israel wants to draw in Western countries for a wider scale war there as well, you can debate the merits of each action as different, but the result is the same, it will all result in further escalation when only negotiation brings about peace. If the West is so averse to going to war with Russia, and there are plenty of good reasons to avoid that, they should stop poking the bear and firing these missiles into Russia will be like taking a very big stick and giving that bear less of a poke and more of a caning, but the bear has claws and a swipe at the UK with them, would surely follow?
It's not as if we haven’t given Ukraine enough already of course. After Keir Starmer, AKA Sir Kid Starver announced that the two child benefit cap was staying, he announced £3bn in aid every year for as long as it takes to Ukraine and then just this last week as pensioners lose their universal entitlement to the winter fuel allowance, Starmer gave Ukraine almost half of the saving from the cut to Ukraine as well! Get the details of this latest act of austerity to provide for Ukraine as it seems to be in theis video recommendation here and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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