🔴BREAKING: ABC News RIGGED Debate | Trump SHOCKS WORLD with Interview Claim!

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Watch Dinesh D'Souza's new movie in theaters starting Sept. 27th. Visit https://vindicatingtrump.com/ to watch the trailer and find a movie theater near you. Vindicating Trump will also be a book available shortly: https://amzn.to/3XtVfkW
Dinesh D’Souza - Author and filmmaker https://x.com/DineshDSouza

Dinesh has made movies like 2000 mules about the ballot harvesting mules in the democrat party. He’s made 2016: Obama’s America. He’s made Death of a Nation and Police State about how the government will turn on its own people. He has a new movie out called Vindicating Trump.

So you made 2000 Mules to show how ballots were being moved in the 2020 election. Tell me more about that operation.

I’m reading the Georgia Election board knows of at least 500,000 ballot images that never existed or were purposely wiped in order to conceal their content. Thoughts on this…

Trump just had the ABC news debate against Kamala Harris and the two moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis. Now its come out this was likely a hit job. A whistleblower alleges Kamala Harris was given the questions ahead of time and Trump would not be fact checked. This likely means a team of writers crafted questions to get Trump, the data to trip him up and then when to cut him off and switch over to Kamala for a softball question that wouldn’t be checked, pushed back on or fact checked. Your thoughts.

Tell me about Vindicating Trump…

I know this is working because I see how Trump is discussed on TV and with democrat family and friends, but they are speak in lock step that Trump is the biggest threat to democracy. The news says it. Politicians say it. And voters say it but can’t really say why. Was this a wise move on their part to discredit Trump?

You said in an interview with Trump that the J6 insurrection was a set up and had he called for an insurrection he would have got it. Trump responded with I’m not sure I want that power. I just want the power to make the country better. I thought that was a shocking response from someone who has been painted as a vial monster. Thoughts on this comment

What are the plans against Trump if he wins?

The media is saying Taylor Swift might sway the election towards Kamala Harris because she has 250 million online followers. But many of them are outside the US and many of them like her music but have conservative values or republicans values or Judeo Christian values. Lastly, she’s built a billion music empire writing songs about how she makes bad decisions and chooses the wrong person. So should her opinion on Kamala Harris actually sway anything?

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