🚨BREAKING: Kamala's PA Stop Goes Viral! Trump Shares Meme, Internet Explodes!

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6 days ago

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In a jaw-dropping segment of the Next News Network's RAW FEED, host Gary Franchi delivers a scathing analysis of Vice President Kamala Harris's recent Pennsylvania appearance. This isn't just another campaign stop, folks. It's a full-blown political train wreck that's left both supporters and critics in stunned disbelief.

As Harris stumbles through what should have been a softball interview with a local Philadelphia reporter, viewers are treated to a masterclass in political evasion and incoherence. Despite 53 days of preparation, the Vice President seems woefully unprepared for even the most basic questions about her policies and vision for America.

But here's where it gets really interesting. When asked about her plans to bring down prices and make life more affordable, Harris launches into a rambling anecdote about growing up in a middle-class neighborhood where people were proud of their lawns. Yes, you read that right. Lawns. It's a moment of political absurdity that's already going viral across social media platforms.

The interview only gets worse from there. When pressed to give Pennsylvania voters a reason to support her, Harris offers a word salad about "people who deserve to be seen and heard." It's a non-answer that's left political analysts scratching their heads and voters wondering if there's any substance behind the rhetoric.

But wait, there's more! In a moment that's sure to go down in political history, Harris is fact-checked in real-time by U.S. troops. After claiming that no American soldiers are currently in combat zones, footage emerges of soldiers on the ground, effectively calling out the Vice President's false statement. It's a cringe-worthy moment that speaks volumes about the administration's disconnect from reality.

The Trump campaign, never one to miss an opportunity, has already pounced on this disastrous appearance. They've shared the entire interview, calling it their "newest ad" and highlighting Harris's inability to articulate clear policies or differentiate herself from President Biden. It's a brutal assessment that's gaining traction even among some Democrat voters.

As if the interview wasn't bad enough, footage from Harris's rally shows rows of empty seats, a visual metaphor for the enthusiasm gap plaguing her campaign. It's a stark contrast to the packed venues and overflow crowds we've seen at Trump events, raising serious questions about the Vice President's ability to connect with voters in crucial swing states.

And as we witness this unfolding disaster, it's clear that our nation is at a crossroads. Your support is crucial in keeping these vital stories in the public eye. The mainstream media won't show you these unfiltered moments, but we will. Consider donating at https://www.givesendgo.com/Keep-Next-News-Alive or via PayPal at https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=BAC78BHT6NPU6. Every contribution, no matter how small, helps us continue our mission of bringing you the unvarnished truth.

But perhaps the most alarming aspect of Harris's Pennsylvania performance is her repeated use of buzzwords like "opportunity economy" without any clear explanation of what they mean. It's political speak at its worst, leaving voters more confused than inspired about the administration's economic plans.

As the 2024 election looms, this disastrous appearance raises serious questions about the Biden-Harris ticket's viability. Can America afford four more years of this level of incoherence and disconnection? The answer, as Gary Franchi pointedly notes, is crystal clear.

This segment of RAW FEED isn't just news; it's a wake-up call. It's a stark reminder of what's at stake in the coming election and the importance of holding our leaders accountable. Harris's Pennsylvania debacle is more than just a bad day on the campaign trail; it's a glimpse into the void at the heart of the current administration.

Don't let the mainstream media sugarcoat this disaster. This is information you need to know, information that could shape the future of our nation. Harris's words in Pennsylvania are a warning, a red flag that should have every American voter questioning the competence of our current leadership.

Catch the whole RAW FEED live stream at https://youtube.com/live/9E6egG7-CUI?feature=share

As we navigate these turbulent political waters, arm yourself with knowledge. Gary Franchi's latest eBook, "The Silent Coup: Your Guide Through Political Storms," offers invaluable insights into the machinations behind the scenes. Don't miss this exclusive release, complete with a secret bonus inside. Act fast and secure your copy at http://silent-coup.com/ebook. In times like these, being informed isn't just an option—it's a necessity.

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