Debunking 5 IDIOTIC Moon-Landing Conspiracy Theories

25 days ago

There are many conspiracy theorists who think we never went to the moon and the whole thing was staged. Every single piece of “evidence” these theorists come up with can easily be explained and completely debunked and today, I’ll go through 5 of the most common reasons people say the moon landing had to be faked. None of them hold up at all and, when you really study the moon landing in depth as I have for many years, it becomes clear that it would have taken a lot more work to fake this whole thing as opposed to actually just going to the moon. Today, I’ll be talking about 5 ridiculous theories in order from least stupid to most stupid.

5. How did Astronauts survive the Van Allen Radiation Belt?

4. Where are the stars in the photos?

3. The U.S. Flag is waving in the wind, but there is no wind on the moon

2. We didn’t have the technology to the go to the moon in the 1960’s.

1. Why Haven’t We Gone Back?

And at #1, the single dumbest thing conspiracy theorists say in regards to the moon landing being possibly faked – why didn’t we go back? As if that is any real evidence at all. As if going to the moon is like taking a drive to Omaha. When humans first made it to the moon in 1969, it was one of the most historic and amazing feats in human history. Just landing and walking on the moon was the principal goal of the Apollo 11 mission and we actually did it. Then we used the Apollo technology to go 5 more times and did plenty of geographical surveying, brought back lunar samples, conducted surface experiments and took lots of photographs. It was ridiculously expensive, and the federal government spent over $25 billion, which equates to over $320 billion today. Project Apollo was simply becoming too costly and national support was completely falling off, so the project was canceled after Apollo 17 in 1972.

After that, why would we be in a huge hurry to go back? The country had spent an insane amount of money to accomplish the feat, during a time of war as troops were fighting in Vietnam and there was much unrest in the United States. Space missions continued with SkyLab and then the Space Shuttle in 1981. We also were focused on creating the International Space Station. Tragedies occurred like the Challenger and Columbia disasters, which didn’t help public support for space programs. Meanwhile, other wars and conflicts were happening, and going back to the moon just wasn’t a big priority. Furthermore, as technology improved, any ideas of returning to the moon would require an entirely new program utilizing new technology and of course, an insane amount money. But what would the purpose be? We’d already been there, walked on it, gotten samples, done testing. The purpose would have to justify the enormous cost.

So, that purpose would have to be to creating some kind of permanent settlement with a lunar base and lunar satellites. That means even more planning and more technology and more money. So, we couldn’t and wouldn’t just go to the moon willy nilly whenever for no reason. It would have actually made no sense for us to have returned to the moon too quickly. America had other things on its plate and the right time to return simply hadn’t come. Now that over 50 years have passed, we are preparing for another mission to the moon with the Artemis program, but to use us not having gone back since 1972 as some kind of evidence for a conspiracy makes literally no sense at all and shows no understanding for the massive cost, technology and effort that goes into a mission to the moon.

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