stellaroseallday told about me and everyone false misformantion 👎😠🤥🤡9/14/24

4 months ago

stellaroseallday stella rose Dionne lang has been spreading misinformation since two years beware of everyone she told lies 🤥 to federal agents she told lies to rick bastuba she told to Aaron carter fans she lied fabricated the whole also atm richie was pranking joking around with he duked stellaroseallday on video just make wasntvtrye we found why atm richie want go viral unfortunately what planned but already Crystal ann that angel Kaos girl itcwas a branched lies of lilperk was in to aswll but never to went Aaron carter house stella rose Dionne lang lied to federal agents and she will to federal judge once she govto court remember she in witnessed protection program fbi and Marshall's put ger in there now she take polygraph test oh boy she won't not passed judge will throw book at her send her to mental hospital 🏥 or psych ward even federal prison lying is penalties is not God for her she play rick bastuba like Italianguytv is nit be messed with he go after just like rick bastuba Italianguytv went after controlla kerissa will becreful she says around rick cuased rick don't play games with no one everyone kniws I've respect rick will never go against never has for me aligned with ganval his dx community that was long time ago am not his community but ganval did tell me that you need a straight jacket you need professional help in other he think you are crazy 🤪 his words not mined anyways aldo never threatened you stop lying on my named liar you have to might have good lawyer represent you cuased were going ain't looking good for you mrs Dionne lang that all have to say that all about it moving on

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