NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-09-14 #6

6 months ago

NEWS: With the Eyes of Faith!™ 2024-09-14 #6
Biden is still president, by then
Speaking of elderly men, happy birthday Russell M. Nelson
Secret Lives of Mormon Women
Still issues of Correct name of Church
If you ignore them, they go away
More hymns, Amazing Grace. I sustain prophets, anyone else puzzled by this push towards Protestantism. Elder Stevens spoke "This includes a greater and more thoughtful recognition of Palm Sunday and Good Friday as practiced by some of our Christian cousins.", a man who holds keys telling us to look towards apostate faiths who do not hold keys, for spiritual direction.
"Elder Matthew L. Carpenter, a General Authority Seventy who has advised the Church’s hymnbook project, said “Amazing Grace” is not an anomaly. “As more releases become available, we will see that we are sharing hymns with other Christian faiths,” he said. “It’s a joy because we are all Christians worshipping Jesus Christ.”
GBH A 2002, "As a Church we have critics, many of them. They say we do not believe in the traditional Christ of Christianity. There is some substance to what they say. Our faith, our knowledge is not based on ancient tradition, the creeds which came of a finite understanding and out of the almost infinite discussions of men trying to arrive at a definition of the risen Christ. Our faith, our knowledge comes of the witness of a prophet in this dispensation"
Recommend No longer ask only true church, but prophet only ph keys. Can you have a true church without keys?
Just another denomination? Isn't that postilion that C of C took years ago? And who are we going to sell the Kirtand Temple to, when we run out of money?
First Vision:
All wrong
Creed abomination
Professors corrupt
Go not after them
Like Correct name of the church, can always cite bad precedent and dead prophets to back you up.
See 2 Nephi 28 and D&C 1, only true church?
I'm 100% always open for clarification.
Young Women becoming more liberal
Not church organization, but demographic
what does this mean for men? Marrying a lady who is okay with abortion? RM and then wife thinks okay to get abortion behind husband's back?
Trump/Harris Debate:
Not Trump at his best. Low point was the cats. Debate with Biden, dialed back the energy, and works better.
Best one-liners was to send her a MAGA hat; reframe partial birth abortion as execution
Confusocracy: Rememberr that word, she is stealing Trumps platform
Flatting words and fair promises
Better performance, but theatrics don't make you a good leader
Issues of misrepresentation
Project 2025 not Trump's plan, and he has distanced himself from it. Not saying bad, but not Trump's plan.
Abortion: He stated his opinion, including exception for rape and incest. Harris talked about a 20 states, but these were not his position. Bait and switch.
Charlottsville Fine People Hoax
Debunked by Snopes
Moderators silent
Harris's campaign is built on a hoax, a misrepresentation, and the skulls of aborted fetuses
If I were Trump
Harris didn't win, since truth is part of success.
Trump: sun Tzu tactics
Shift terrain, from Harris to Moderators
Call them on double standards
We agreed to rules, you are not keeping your promise to me and the American People
Do you intend to keep up this breach of contract?
Announce going on Truth Social walk of debate
Talk about Reagan and Rejiavik.
Abusive relationship, need to divorce
Betrayal of covenants
Frame it as a coward, but he would get the energy?
Eyes of Faith. Lens of Book of Mormon
First mindhack: who wants you to believe that conspiracy theories, secret combinations are unreal? Who would benefit from that belief? Can you feel it?
Book of Mormon
Lawyers and "devices" or tactics and logical traps
Zeezrom and Amulek , Alma 11
Korihor and Alma, Alma 30
Harris the lawyer was using these tactics, these devices
Life hack
Embracing adulthood:
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" Ecclesiastes 3:1; a time to be a child and a time to be an adult
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11
My life. Opened stock portfolio.
Motley Fool says 25 for 5 years, don;t mess with penny stocks
So, September, end of fiscal year (Michaelmas)
Getting dividends, money rolls in
Cash call from Sirius XM, ate up dividends and then some
Three class action lawsuits for securities fraud.
Complexities of being an adult; seductive voices of infatilization
Something not to be feared, but embraced: Lehi to his sons, "arise from the dust, my sons, and be men"2 Nephi 1:21
That's News with the Eyes of Faith

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