5 months ago

"EFFICIENCY" is one of the core PRINCIPLES of Bruce Lee's JEET KUNE DO ( Fighting Methodology ) which I teach in and out of my home in Keller, Texas,
but, I, also, APPLY it at my JOB at KROGER and in my LIFE as well. In the following video you'll see how I SAVE time transporting MILK CRATES in our DAIRY department's fridge after stocking milk on the shelves. Instead of transporting 5 or 6 crates at a time, I simply stack ALL the milk crates on a UBOAT ( mobile product cart ) while I'm in the fridge stocking and haul it out to the milk crate pallet at one time, thereby, SAVING TIME and KROGER MONEY, as well as, getting MORE Dairy products OUT on the shelves for our CUSTOMERS.
It's a "WIN WIN" for EVERYONE!!! You can always reach Papa Mike at grampsfu@yahoo.com. ( Like an OLD man doing Kung Fu for over 60 years. ) or visit him at KROGER # 532, 5241 N. Tarrant Pkwy, Keller, Texas, 76244.

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