The Nightmare at the Border – This is What is REALLY Happening – Jim Houck & Dr. Lee Vliet

21 days ago

***This is a Must See → Jim Houck: “This is a Revolutionary Force being brought in to gut the country from within.” This truly is a horrifying nightmare as you will see.

**WATCH ALL of this.

Jim Houck has 29 years in law enforcement under his belt and he's extremely dialed in to what's really going on with the invasion of the US border and it's far, far darker and more evil than the normies are being told.

Venezuela has literally emptied their prisons and with the cooperation of Mexico and the United States (Biden Admin) they were shipped to the USA and now are forming Gangs here in the USA.

Most of the other migrants are of fighting age.

Child Rape Slavery – used to be called Child Sex Trafficking, but this is a GOVERNMENT Project – children are placed in Child Protective Services and then they disappear from the system. They are loaded on the Private Aircraft with US Gov Planes.

Jim said that the quote he received was “this is a Biden admin operation, stay out of it.”

Our Gov is filled with Satanic SICKOS who literally eat babies and cut their hearts out when they are alive.

Others they torture and rape.

These immigrants are given money, food and housing. When they switch off this government dependence they will be activated to survival mode and these guys are hardened criminals, they will take what they want.

They come from sh*t holes says Jim Houck.

The men coming in are coming from remarkable violent places.

Aurora Colorado is just a small example of what will happen.

Jim says that the Wild Hogs are actually eating injured immigrants and chasing down children as they are getting conditioned to the “human tastes.”

Jim says the Gov is using Border Control as a Uber Service.

Gov Greg Abbott of Texas is a sellout traitor who is aiding and abetting this entire operation. He has the power to put a stop to it in Texas.

The people are POWERLESS as the USA Gov views these f*ckers at VICTIMS and we cannot touch them.

Border Patrol helps them get to medical – which US Taxpayers are funding all this bullsh*t, then taxpayers fund the f*ckers to any city they want to go to. Then they get money and food.

That is what you call a Government gone rogue.

Where is the military? They are in on it and have always been. They have been infiltrated since the 1930’s.

We have an ACTIVE INVASION of the United Stated of America and the US Government is Aiding and Abetting the invasion.

It is destruction from within.

Why pay taxes when you are helping to fund the destruction of yourself and your family?

Department of Health and Human Service of the US acknowledged that Venezuela has emptied their prisons of MILLIONS of their most hardened criminals.

There have now been close to 20 MILLION since Biden took over.

Obama allowed them in also.

Trump is bought and paid for on all this also, but he may be used as the lesser evil.

He may try to slow this down a bit, but this is happening – America is quietly being taken over and they are going to eat up all the tax funds and programs like Social Security will be no more in just a few short years.

Then people will complain and be forced to open their eyes. Right now there is an attitude of “oh, everything will work itself out and it will all be okay.”

No it won’t.

Venezuelan Gangs are forming in Colorado and New York and Chicago will likely be next.

The gangs are being instructed to shoot police officers.

ALL of this gang bullsh*t could be stopped in a heartbeat but it is Political. The traitor politicians are helping them instead of arresting them. Law Enforcement is NOT allowed to do their job.

Jim Houck: “This is a Revolutionary Force being brought in to gut the country from within.”

There are about 2 million in the US Military and only about 500,00 fighters. They have been DELIBERATELY Spread around the world – which is total bullsh*t.

Our Oil Reserves are being drained down to almost ZERO.

All of our Munitions have been expended over to Ukraine and given to Israel – who Trump absolutely loves.

It is all a SET UP. We are being staged to LOSE.

They are bringing these migrants in and they give them Food, a Phone, Shelter and CASH – Cards. The government is immediately making them dependent. When the gov cuts this off all hell will break lose. Criminal activity will skyrocket and with the f*cked up laws since they are “migrants” they will get away with it. It’s f*cking INSANE.

We have been infiltrated with so many scumbags at the State Governor Levels that they will comply with the Federal bullsh*t and make it appear like we are a compassionate, caring and welcoming country. It’s all a PLAN. They don’t give a damn.

These are TRAITORS committing High Treason who should be Executed for their crimes. That’s all it would take for other traitors to straighten up quickly.

If we have 4 more years of this – America is literally doomed and just as people were oblivious to the Covid Vaccination Plan, they are totally unconscious of this.

We need to collectively wake the f*ck up.

Source: SGT Report --


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END. 9/15/2024 – 6:00 PM

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