Just give a little bit more time...

5 months ago

Fun is a luxury reserved for the women and children.

The moment you stop trying to have "fun".

The moment you stop caring about feeling "happy"

The sooner you'll start chasing things that actually matter in life.

Its the moment you'll finally DO THINGS THAT ACTUALLY MATTER.

And while you won't be having "fun" and you might not even feel "happy".

It is the day you'll feel something even better.

You will feel fulfilled,

And you will quickly realize "happy" and "fun" are overrated.

You never even really wanted them in the first place.

You were chasing fulfillment and purpose the whole time.

Stop trying to have fun.

You have work to do.

Listen to the full Tatespeech on the topic here: https://rumble.com/v5epk8z-andrew-tate-on-fun.html

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