Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover (2002)

19 days ago

Biographer Kenneth D. Ackerman summarizes Hoover's legacy thus:

For better or worse, he built the FBI into a modern, national organization stressing professionalism and scientific crime-fighting. For most of his life, Americans considered him a hero. He made the G-Man brand so popular that, at its height, it was harder to become an FBI agent than to be accepted into an Ivy League college.[94]

Hoover worked to groom the image of the FBI in American media; he was a consultant to Warner Brothers for a theatrical film about the FBI, The FBI Story (1959), and in 1965 on Warner's long-running spin-off television series, The F.B.I.[110] U.S. President Harry S. Truman said that Hoover transformed the FBI into his private secret police force:

... we want no Gestapo or secret police. The FBI is tending in that direction. They are dabbling in sex-life scandals and plain blackmail. J. Edgar Hoover would give his right eye to take over, and all congressmen and senators are afraid of him.[111]

Because Hoover's actions came to be seen as abuses of power, FBI directors are now limited to one 10-year term,[112] subject to extension by the United States Senate.[113] Jacob Heilbrunn, journalist and senior editor at The National Interest, gives a mixed assessment of Hoover's legacy:[114]

There's no question that Hoover's record is a mixed one, but I don't think he was a demon. He's constantly being decried as being virulently anti-communist as if this was just a symptom of his paranoia. But if anything, he wasn't vigilant enough in ferreting out communist infiltration in the Roosevelt administration – we now know from KGB archives that there were dozens if not hundreds of KGB informants working inside the government. He's also regularly accused of broaching people's civil liberties - but in fact, Hoover resisted the wire-tapping activities that President Nixon wanted to perpetuate.

The FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. is named the J. Edgar Hoover Building, after Hoover. Because of the controversial nature of Hoover's legacy, both Republicans and Democrats have periodically introduced legislation in the House and Senate to rename it. The first such proposal came just two months after the building's inauguration. On December 12, 1979, Gilbert Gude – a Republican congressman from Maryland – introduced H.R. 11137, which would have changed the name of the edifice from the "J. Edgar Hoover F.B.I. Building" to simply the "F.B.I. Building".[115][116] However, that bill never made it out of committee, nor did two subsequent attempts by Gude.[115] Another notable attempt came in 1993 when Democratic Senator Howard Metzenbaum pushed for a name change following a new report about Hoover's ordered "loyalty investigation" of future Senator Quentin Burdick.[117]

In 1998, Democratic Senator Harry Reid sponsored an amendment to strip Hoover's name from the building, stating that "J. Edgar Hoover's name on the FBI building is a stain on the building."[118] The Senate did not adopt the amendment.[118] The building is "aging" and "deteriorating"[119] and its naming might eventually be made moot by the FBI moving its headquarters to a new suburban site. Hoover's practice of violating civil liberties for the stated sake of national security has been questioned in reference to recent national surveillance programs. An example is a lecture titled Civil Liberties and National Security: Did Hoover Get it Right?, given at The Institute of World Politics on April 21, 2015.[120]

Some qualified praise for Hoover came from the Soviet double agent Kim Philby, who spent time in Washington. Philby respected the way Hoover had built the FBI as a serious intelligence agency from virtually nothing, but Joseph McCarthy was a fake; and Hoover knew that McCarthy was a fake, but found it useful to manipulate McCarthy.[121]
Private life
Hoover with Bebe Rebozo (left) and Richard Nixon. The three men relax before dinner, Key Biscayne, Florida, December 1971.

Hoover received his first dog from his parents when he was a child, after which he was never without one. He owned many throughout his lifetime and became an aficionado especially knowledgeable in breeding of pedigrees, particularly Cairn Terriers and Beagles. He gave many dogs to notable people, such as Presidents Herbert Hoover (not closely related) and Lyndon B. Johnson, and buried seven canine pets, including a Cairn Terrier named Spee De Bozo, at Aspen Hill Memorial Park, in Silver Spring, Maryland.[122]

From the 1940s, rumors circulated that Hoover, who was still living with his mother in his early 40s, was homosexual.[123] The historians John Stuart Cox and Athan G. Theoharis speculated that Clyde Tolson, who became an assistant director to Hoover in his mid 40s and became his primary heir, had a sexual relationship with Hoover until the latter's death.[124] Hoover reportedly hunted down and threatened anyone who made insinuations about his sexuality.[125] Truman Capote, who enjoyed repeating salacious rumors about Hoover, once remarked that he was more interested in making Hoover angry than determining whether the rumors were true.[96] On May 2, 1969, Screw published the first reference in print to Hoover's sexuality, titled "Is J. Edgar Hoover a Fag?"[126][127]

Some associates and scholars dismiss rumors about Hoover's sexuality, and rumors about his relationship with Tolson in particular, as unlikely,[128][129][130] while others have described them as probable or even "confirmed".[131][50] Still other scholars have reported the rumors without expressing an opinion.[132][133] Cox and Theoharis concluded that "the strange likelihood is that Hoover never knew sexual desire at all."[130] Anthony Summers, who wrote Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), stated that there was no ambiguity about the FBI director's sexual proclivities and described him as "bisexual with failed heterosexuality."[134]
Hoover and Tolson
Hoover and his assistant Clyde Tolson sitting in beach lounge chairs, c. 1939

Hoover described Tolson as his alter ego: the men worked closely together during the day and, both single, frequently took meals, went to night clubs, and vacationed together.[124] This closeness between the two men is often cited as evidence that they were lovers. Some FBI employees who knew them, such as Mark Felt, say the relationship was "brotherly"; however, former FBI executive assistant director Mike Mason suggested that some of Hoover's colleagues denied that he had a sexual relationship with Tolson in an effort to protect Hoover's image.[135]

The novelist William Styron told Summers that he once saw Hoover and Tolson in a California beach house, where the director was painting his friend's toenails. Harry Hay, founder of the Mattachine Society, one of the first gay rights organizations, said Hoover and Tolson sat in boxes owned by and used exclusively by gay men at the Del Mar racetrack in California.[134] Hoover bequeathed his estate to Tolson, who moved into Hoover's house after Hoover died. Tolson accepted the American flag that draped Hoover's casket. Tolson is buried a few yards away from Hoover in the Congressional Cemetery.[136] Mob leader Meyer Lansky is credited with having "controlled" compromising pictures of a sexual nature featuring Hoover with Tolson. In his book, Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, biographer Anthony Summers cites multiple primary sources regarding Lansky's use of blackmail to gain influence with politicians, policemen and judges. One stage for Lansky's acquisition of blackmail materials was orgies held by late attorney and Hoover protégé, Roy Cohn, and liquor magnate, Lewis Rosenstiel, who had lasting ties with the Mafia from his bootleg operations during Prohibition.[137][138]
Other romantic allegations

One of Hoover's biographers, Richard Hack, does not believe the director was gay. Hack notes that Hoover was romantically linked to actress Dorothy Lamour in the late 1930s and early 1940s and that after Hoover's death, Lamour did not deny rumors that she had had an affair with him.[96] Hack further reported that, during the 1940s and 1950s, Hoover attended social events with Lela Rogers, the divorced mother of dancer and actress Ginger Rogers, so often that many of their mutual friends assumed the pair would eventually marry.[96]
Pornography for blackmail

Hoover kept a large collection of pornographic material, possibly the world's largest,[139] of films, photographs, and written materials, with particular emphasis on nude photos of celebrities. He reportedly used these for his own titillation and held them for blackmail purposes.[140]
Cross-dressing story

Lewis Rosenstiel, founder of Schenley Industries, was a close friend of Hoover's and the primary contributor to the J. Edgar Hoover Foundation. In his biography Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover (1993), journalist Anthony Summers quoted Rosenstiel's fourth wife, Susan, as claiming to have seen Hoover engaging in cross-dressing in the 1950s at all-male parties at the Plaza Hotel with Rosenstiel, attorney Roy Cohn, and young male prostitutes.[141][142] Another Hoover biographer, Burton Hersh, later corroborated this story.[143]

Summers alleged the Mafia had blackmail material on Hoover, which made Hoover reluctant to pursue organized crime aggressively. According to Summers, organized crime figures Meyer Lansky and Frank Costello obtained photos of Hoover having sex with Tolson and used them to ensure that the FBI did not target their illegal activities.[144] Additionally, Summers claimed that Hoover was friends with Billy Byars Jr., an alleged child pornographer and producer of the film The Genesis Children.[145]

Fashion expert Tim Gunn relayed a story on the radio news quiz show "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me!". Gunn's father was Hoover's speech writer and as a child Tim Gunn and his sister were on a tour of the FBI offices when their father asked them if they would like to meet Vivian Vance. They had a pleasant meeting with a woman in Hoover's office. Reflecting on this later as adults the Gunn children realized that Hoover was not present in the office and deemed this highly unusual. Later when Gunn included this visit in his "Gunn's Golden Rules" book the Simon and Schuster legal team attempted to corroborate the story of Vivian Vance visiting the FBI offices. Her biographers could not confirm this and a search of the FBI visitor logs did not show Vance had visited. Gunn's conclusion was that Hoover was impersonating Vance the day of his visit.[146]

Another Hoover biographer who heard the rumors of homosexuality and blackmail, however, said he was unable to corroborate them,[144] though it has been acknowledged that Lansky and other organized crime figures had frequently been allowed to visit the Del Charro Hotel in La Jolla, California, which was owned by Hoover's friend, and staunch Lyndon Johnson supporter, Clint Murchison Sr.[147] Hoover and Tolson also frequently visited the Del Charro Hotel.[148] Summers quoted a source named Charles Krebs as saying, "on three occasions that I knew about, maybe four, boys were driven down to La Jolla at Hoover's request."[145]

Skeptics of the cross-dressing story point to Susan Rosenstiel's lack of credibility (she pleaded guilty to attempted perjury in a 1971 case and later served time in a New York City jail).[149][150] Recklessly indiscreet behavior by Hoover would have been totally out of character, whatever his sexuality. Most biographers consider the story of Mafia blackmail unlikely in light of the FBI's continuing investigations of the Mafia.[151][152] Although never corroborated, the allegation of cross-dressing has been widely repeated. In the words of author Thomas Doherty, "For American popular culture, the image of the zaftig FBI director as a Christine Jorgensen wanna-be was too delicious not to savor."[153] Biographer Kenneth Ackerman says that Summers' accusations have been "widely debunked by historians".[154] The journalist Liz Smith wrote that Cohn told her about Hoover's rumored transvestism "long before it became common gossip."[155]
Lavender Scare
Main article: Lavender scare

The attorney Roy Cohn served as general counsel on the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations during Senator Joseph McCarthy's tenure as chairman and assisted Hoover during the 1950s investigations of Communists[156] and was generally known to be a closeted homosexual.[157][156] According to Richard Hack, Cohn's opinion was that Hoover was too frightened of his own sexuality to have anything approaching a normal sexual or romantic relationship.[96] Some of Cohn's former clients, including Bill Bonanno, son of crime boss Joseph Bonanno, also cite photographs of Hoover in drag allegedly possessed by Cohn.[158][143][159]

During the Lavender scare, Cohn and McCarthy further enhanced anti-Communist fervor by suggesting that Communists overseas had convinced several closeted homosexuals within the U.S. government to leak important government information in exchange for the assurance that their sexual identity would remain a secret.[156][160] A federal investigation that followed convinced President Dwight D. Eisenhower to sign Executive Order 10450 on April 29, 1953, that barred homosexuals from obtaining jobs at the federal level.[161]

In his 2004 study of the event, historian David K. Johnson attacked the speculations about Hoover's homosexuality as relying on "the kind of tactics Hoover and the security program he oversaw perfected: guilt by association, rumor, and unverified gossip." He views Rosenstiel as a liar who was paid for her story, whose "description of Hoover in drag engaging in sex with young blond boys in leather while desecrating the Bible is clearly a homophobic fantasy." He believes only those who have forgotten the virulence of the decades-long campaign against homosexuals in government can believe reports that Hoover appeared in compromising situations.[162]
Supportive friends

Some people associated with Hoover have supported the rumors about his homosexuality.[163] According to Anthony Summers, Hoover often frequented New York City's Stork Club. Luisa Stuart, a model who was 18 or 19 at the time, told Summers that she had seen Hoover holding hands with Tolson as they all rode in a limo uptown to the Cotton Club in 1936.[134]

Actress and singer Ethel Merman was a friend of Hoover's since 1938, and familiar with all parties during his alleged romance of Lela Rogers. In a 1978 interview and in response to Anita Bryant's anti-gay campaign, she said: "Some of my best friends are homosexual: Everybody knew about J. Edgar Hoover, but he was the best chief the FBI ever had."[134]
Alleged African-American Ancestry

Since the release of the 2011 film “J. Edgar”, Hoover’s genealogy has become a topic of interest. There are theories that Hoover had African American heritage, which have been investigated and yet unsubstantiated[164].

Also, there are family stories and genealogies recorded by writer Millie McGhee in her 2000 book "Secrets Uncovered: J. Edgar Hoover — Passing for White?[165]", where she and Hoover are said to have a common ancestor. Nevertheless, their relatedness remains unproven[164].
Written works

J. Edgar Hoover was the nominal author of a number of books and articles, although it is widely believed that all of these were ghostwritten by FBI employees.[166][167][168] Hoover received the credit and royalties.

Hoover, J. Edgar (1938). Persons in Hiding. Gaunt Publishing. ISBN 978-1-56169-340-5.
Hoover, J. Edgar (February 1947). "Red Fascism in the United States Today". The American Magazine.
Hoover, J. Edgar (1958). Masters of Deceit: The Story of Communism in America and How to Fight It. Holt Rinehart and Winston. ISBN 978-1-4254-8258-9.[169]
Hoover, J. Edgar (1962). A Study of Communism. Holt Rinehart & Winston. ISBN 978-0-03-031190-1.


1938: Oklahoma Baptist University awarded Hoover an honorary doctorate during commencement exercises, at which he spoke.[170][171]
1939: the National Academy of Sciences awarded Hoover its Public Welfare Medal.[172]
1950: King George VI of the United Kingdom appointed Hoover Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.[173]
1955: President Dwight D. Eisenhower awarded Hoover the National Security Medal.[174]
1966: President Lyndon B. Johnson bestowed the State Department's Distinguished Service Award on Hoover for his service as director of the FBI.
1973: The newly built FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C., was named the J. Edgar Hoover Building.
1974: Congress voted to honor Hoover's memory by publishing a memorial book, J. Edgar Hoover: Memorial Tributes in the Congress of the United States and Various Articles and Editorials Relating to His Life and Work.
1974: In Schaumburg, Illinois, a grade school was named after J. Edgar Hoover. However, in 1994, after information about Hoover's illegal activities was released, the school's name was changed to commemorate Herbert Hoover instead.[175]

Theater and media portrayals

Hoover has been portrayed by numerous actors in films and stage productions featuring him as FBI Director. The first known portrayal was by Kent Rogers in the 1941 Looney Tunes short "Hollywood Steps Out". Some notable portrayals (listed chronologically) include:

Hoover portrayed himself (filmed from behind) in a cameo, addressing FBI agents in the 1959 film The FBI Story.
Dorothi Fox "portrayed" Hoover in disguise in the 1971 film Bananas.
Broderick Crawford and James Wainwright in the Larry Cohen film The Private Files of J. Edgar Hoover (1977).
Dolph Sweet in the television miniseries King (1978).
Sheldon Leonard in the William Friedkin film The Brink's Job (1978).[176]
Ernest Borgnine in the television film Blood Feud (1983).
Vincent Gardenia in the television miniseries Kennedy (1983).
Jack Warden in the television film Hoover vs. The Kennedys (1987).
Treat Williams in the television film J. Edgar Hoover (1987).
Kevin Dunn in the film Chaplin (1992).
Pat Hingle in the television film Citizen Cohn (1992).
Richard Dysart in the television film Marilyn & Bobby: Her Final Affair (1993)
Kelsey Grammer portrayed Hoover, with John Goodman as Tolson, in the Harry Shearer comic musical J. Edgar! at The Guest Quarters Suite Hotel in Santa Monica (1994).[177]
Richard Dysart in the theatrical film Panther (1995).
Bob Hoskins in the Oliver Stone drama Nixon (1995).
Wayne Tippit in two episodes of Dark Skies (1996) and (1997).[178][179]
David Fredericks in the episodes "Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man" (1996) and "Travelers" (1998) of The X-Files.
David Fredericks in the episode "Matryoshka" (1999) of Millennium.
Ernest Borgnine in the theatrical film Hoover (2000).
Larry Drake in the Robert Dyke film Timequest (2002).
Ryan Drummond voiced him in the Bethesda Softworks game Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (2005).
Billy Crudup in the Michael Mann film Public Enemies (2009).
Enrico Colantoni in the television miniseries The Kennedys (2011).
Leonardo DiCaprio in the Clint Eastwood biopic J. Edgar (2011).
William Harrison-Wallace in the Dollar Baby 2012 screen adaptation of Stephen King's short story, "The Death of Jack Hamilton" (2001).[180]
Rob Riggle in the "Atlanta" (2013) episode of Comedy Central's Drunk History.[181]
Eric Ladin in the HBO series Boardwalk Empire, season 4 (2013).[182]
Michael McKean in Robert Schenkkan's play All the Way at the American Repertory Theater (2013).
Sean McNall in the movie No God, No Master (2014).[183]
Dylan Baker in Ava DuVernay's Martin Luther King Jr. biopic Selma (2014).
Stephen Root in the HBO television film All the Way (2016).
T. R. Knight in the National Geographic television series Genius (2017).
William Forsythe in the Amazon television series The Man in the High Castle (2018).
Stephen Stanton in the film Bad Times at the El Royale (2018)
Martin Sheen in the film Judas and the Black Messiah (2021).
Giacomo Baessato in the CW television series Legends of Tomorrow (2021).

See also

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O'Keefe, Ed. "FBI J. Edgar Hoover Building 'Deteriorating,' Report Says." Washington Post. November 9, 2011. Accessed September 29, 2012.
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Smith, Liz (2000). Natural Blonde. Hachette Books. p. 355. ISBN 978-0786863259.
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Bonanno, Bill (1999). Bound by Honor: A Mafioso's Story. St. Martin's Press. pp. 166–167. "They were all pictures of Hoover in women's clothing. His face was daubed with lipstick and makeup and he wore a wig of ringlets. In several of the photos, he posed alone, smiling, even mugging for the camera. In a few other photos, he was sitting on the lap of an unidentified male, stroking his cheek in one, hugging him in another, holding a morsel of food before his mouth in yet another. 'Louie [meaning Lewis Rosentiel] took most of these,' Cohn said, 'at a party on a houseboat in the Keys, 1948–1949... Hoover knows about these, believe me; he's always been aware of what would happen if they ever got out.'"
Carlo, Philip (2009). Gaspipe: Confessions of a Mafia Boss. William Morrow Paperbacks. p. 336.
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McGhee, Millie L. (2000). Secrets Uncovered: J. Edgar Hoover - Passing for White?. Allen-Morris. ISBN 978-0-9701822-2-7.
Anderson, Jack (1999). Peace, War, and Politics: An Eyewitness Account. Forge Books. p. 174. ISBN 978-0-312-87497-1.
Powers, Richard Gid (2004). Broken: the troubled past and uncertain future of the FBI. Free Press. p. 238. ISBN 978-0-684-83371-2.
Theoharis, Athan G., ed. (1998). The FBI: A Comprehensive Reference Guide. Oryx Press. p. 264. ISBN 978-0-89774-991-6.
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General and cited references

Ackerman, Kenneth D. (2007). Young J. Edgar: Hoover, the Red Scare, and the Assault on Civil Liberties. Carroll & Graf. ISBN 978-0-7867-1775-0.

Beverly, William (2003). On the Lam: Narratives of Flight in J. Edgar Hoover's America. University Press of Mississippi. ISBN 978-1-57806-537-0.

Carter, David (2003). Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked The Gay Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Griffin. ISBN 978-0-312-34269-2.

Denenberg, Barry (1993). The True Story of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Scholastic. ISBN 978-0-590-43168-2.

Charles, Douglas (2007). J. Edgar Hoover and the Anti-interventionists: FBI Political Surveillance and the Rise of the Domestic Security State, 1939–1945. Ohio State University Press. ISBN 978-0-8142-1061-1.

Cox, John Stuart; Theoharis, Athan G. (1988). The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition. Temple University Press. ISBN 978-0-87722-532-4. Gage, Beverly (2022). G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century. New York: Viking. ISBN 978-0-670-02537-4 – via Google Books.

Garrow, David J. (1981). The FBI and Martin Luther King Jr., From 'Solo' to Memphis. W. W. Norton. ISBN 978-0-393-01509-6.

Gentry, Curt (1991). J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. Plume. ISBN 978-0-452-26904-0.

Gentry, Curt (2001). J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN 9780393343502. – Total pages: 848

Hack, Richard (2007), Puppetmaster: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover, Phoenix Books, ISBN 978-1-59777-512-0

Lowenthal, Max (1950). The Federal Bureau of Investigation. Greenwood Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-8371-5755-9.

Porter, Darwin (2012). J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson: Investigating the Sexual Secrets of America's Most Famous Men and Women. Blood Moon Productions. ISBN 978-1-936003-25-9.

Gid Powers, Richard (1986). Secrecy and Power: The Life of J. Edgar Hoover. Free Press. ISBN 978-0-02-925060-0.

Schott, Joseph L. (1975). No Left Turns: The FBI in Peace & War. Praeger. ISBN 978-0-275-33630-1.

Stove, Robert J. (2003). The Unsleeping Eye: Secret Police and Their Victims. Encounter Books. ISBN 978-1-893554-66-5.

Summers, Anthony (2003). Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover. Putnam Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-399-13800-3.

Swearingen, M. Wesley. FBI Secrets: An Agent's Expose.

Theoharis, Athan (1993). From the Secret Files of J. Edgar Hoover. Ivan R. Dee. ISBN 978-1-56663-017-7.

"The Secret File on J. Edgar Hoover". Frontline episode #11.4 (1993).[citation needed]
Further reading

Adams, Cecil (December 6, 2002). "Was J. Edgar Hoover a crossdresser?". The Straight Dope.
Caballero, Raymond. McCarthyism vs. Clinton Jencks. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2019.
Cecil, Matthew (2016). Branding Hoover's FBI: How the Boss's PR Men Sold the Bureau to America. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2016.
DeLoach, Cartha D. (1995). Hoover's FBI: The Inside Story by Hoover's Trusted Lieutenant. Regnery Publishing, Inc. ISBN 9780895264794.
Elias, Christopher (September 2, 2015). "A Lavender Reading of J. Edgar Hoover". Slate.
Lindorff, Dave (January 4, 2022). "Brothers Against the Bureau". The Nation: 26–31. Retrieved January 26, 2022.
Martin, Lerone A. (Feb. 2023) The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise of White Christian Nationalism

[1][2][3] ISBN 9780691175119[4]

Silberman, Laurence H. (July 20, 2005). "Hoover's Institution". Opinion. The Wall Street Journal.
"The Truth about J. Edgar Hoover". Time. December 22, 1975.
Yardley, Jonathan (June 26, 2004). "'No Left Turns': The G-Man's Tour de Force". The Washington Post.

External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related to J. Edgar Hoover.
Wikiquote has quotations related to J. Edgar Hoover.

Works by J. Edgar Hoover at Project Gutenberg
Works by or about J. Edgar Hoover at the Internet Archive
J. Edgar Hoover at IMDb
Appearances on C-SPAN
Assassination Records Review Board Staff (September 1998). Final Report of the Assassination Records Review Board.
"FBI file on J. Edgar Hoover". Archived from the original on April 13, 2011.
"J. Edgar Hoover Biography". Archived from the original on April 22, 2009. Retrieved April 15, 2008.

Government offices
Preceded by
William J. Burns
as Director of the Bureau of Investigation Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bureau of Investigation: 1924–1935
1924–1972 Succeeded by
Pat Gray
Honorary titles
Preceded by
Everett Dirksen
Persons who have lain in state or honor
in the United States Capitol rotunda
May 3–4, 1972 Succeeded by
Lyndon Johnson


Directors of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
Bureau of Investigation

Finch Bielaski Allen Flynn Burns Hoover

Federal Bureau
of Investigation

Hoover Gray Ruckelshaus Kelley Adams Webster Otto Sessions Clarke Freeh Pickard Mueller Comey McCabe Wray

Italics denotes an Acting Director.


Alcohol prohibition
By country

Bangladesh Canada Finland Iceland India Iran Russia / Soviet Union United States

By topic

18th Amendment (U.S. Constitution) 21st Amendment (U.S. Constitution) Australian prohibition referendums
Western Australian, 1925 New South Wales, 1928 Western Australian, 1950 American Mafia American Temperance Society Anti-Saloon League Association Against the Prohibition Amendment Bathtub gin Blaine Act Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Bureau of Prohibition Cullen–Harrison Act Dry county
Dry state List of dry communities by U.S. state Islam Jazz Age Local option Medicinal Liquor Prescriptions Act of 1933 Molly Pitcher Club Moonshine Neo-prohibitionism Roaring Twenties Rum-running Rum Patrol Rum row Sly-grog shop Speakeasy Swedish prohibition referendum, 1922 Teetotalism Temperance movement Temperance (Scotland) Act 1913 United Kingdom Alliance Volstead Act Voluntary Committee of Lawyers Webb–Kenyon Act Wickersham Commission Willis–Campbell Act Woman's Christian Temperance Union


Martha Meir Allen Harry J. Anslinger Thomas Holliday Barker Lyman Beecher Al Capone Mickey Duffy Waxey Gordon Texas Guinan Frank Hamer William Harvey J. Edgar Hoover Clinton N. Howard Bumpy Johnson Enoch L. Johnson Norman Kerr Meyer Lansky Frederic Richard Lees Lucky Luciano Sam Maceo Owney Madden Joseph Malins William McCoy J. Howard Moore Bugs Moran Carrie Nation Eliot Ness Roy Olmstead The LaMontages brothers Lanzetta Brothers The Purple Gang George Remus Arnold Rothstein Howard Hyde Russell Dutch Schultz Eliza Thompson William Harvey Thompson Andrew Volstead Wayne Wheeler Frances Willard Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith

Political parties

National Prohibition Party (UK) Prohibition Party (USA) Scottish Prohibition Party


Prohibition (2011 documentary miniseries)


Individuals lain in state, in honor and in repose in the United States
State funerals in the United States
Lain in state
US Capitol rotunda

Clay (1852) Lincoln (1865, funeral) Stevens (1868) Sumner (1874) Wilson (1875) Garfield (1881) Logan (1886) McKinley (1901) L'Enfant (1909) Dewey (1917) Unknown Soldier for World War I (1921) Harding (1923) W. H. Taft (1930) Pershing (1948) R. A. Taft (1953) Unknown Soldiers for World War II and the Korean War (1958) Kennedy (1963, funeral) MacArthur (1964) H. Hoover (1964) Eisenhower (1969) Dirksen (1969) J. E. Hoover (1972) Johnson (1973) Humphrey (1978) Blassie / Unknown Soldier for the Vietnam War (1984) Pepper (1989) Reagan (2004, funeral) Ford (2006–07, funeral) Inouye (2012) McCain (2018) Bush (2018, funeral) Lewis (2020) Dole (2021) Reid (2022)

National Statuary Hall

Cummings (2019) Ginsburg (2020, funeral) Young (2022)

House Chamber

Hooper (1875)

Herbert C. Hoover Building

Brown (1996)

Old Senate Chamber

Chase (1873)

Lain in honor
US Capitol rotunda

Chestnut and Gibson (1998) Parks (2005) Graham (2018) Sicknick (2021) Evans (2021) Williams (2022)

Lain in repose
East Room

Harrison (1841) Taylor (1850) Lincoln (1865, funeral) McKinley (1901) Harding (1923) Roosevelt (1945) Kennedy (1963, funeral)

Great Hall of the
US Supreme Court

Warren (1974) Marshall (1993) Burger (1995) Brennan (1997) Blackmun (1999) Rehnquist (2005) Scalia (2016) Stevens (2019) Ginsburg (2020, funeral) O'Connor (2023)

Senate Chamber

Byrd (2010) Lautenberg (2013)

Bold: Presidents and chief justices
Authority control databases Edit this at Wikidata



GermanyUnited StatesFranceBnF dataJapanItalyAustraliaCzech RepublicSpainPortugalNetherlandsNorwayLatviaGreecePoland




TroveDeutsche Biographie



Smith, David (March 21, 2023). "'He was certainly a racist': J Edgar Hoover and a history of white nationalism". The Guardian. ISSN 0261-3077. Retrieved August 20, 2023.
Smietana, Bob (March 10, 2023). "For FBI legend J. Edgar Hoover, Christian nationalism was the gospel truth, argues new book". Religion News Service. Retrieved August 20, 2023.
"Stanford's Lerone A. Martin on his new book about J. Edgar Hoover and White Christian nationalism | Stanford Humanities and Sciences". Retrieved August 20, 2023.

Martin, Lerone A. (February 7, 2023). The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-17511-9.


J. Edgar Hoover1895 births1972 deathsAntimafiaAmerican anti-communistsAmerican FreemasonsAmerican librariansAmerican people of English descentAmerican people of Swiss-German descentAmerican PresbyteriansAnti-crime activistsBurials at the Congressional CemeteryDirectors of the Federal Bureau of InvestigationFreemasonry-related controversiesGeorge Washington University Law School alumniGeorge Washington University trusteesHonorary Knights Commander of the Order of the British EmpireLawyers from Washington, D.C.People from Capitol HillWashington, D.C., Independents20th-century American LGBT peopleLGBT conservatism in the United StatesLGBT people from Washington, D.C.

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