Life in the Hologram with our guest Jonathan Wright Part two

5 months ago

Jonathan Alan Wright is what I was called when I was born. I had a childhood that would start me on the journey which has led me to write this bio. My childhood was full of love and support from all of my family and for that, I am eternally grateful. I had a supernatural encounter at the age of 7. This gave me the appropriate shove into a knowing, on some level, of my personal connection with God. I never questioned the existence of God or the direct connection that we had, it would be the details of explaining it all to myself over the next 40 years which has led me to an understanding. This is the understanding which I will be sharing as well as growing. Throughout most of my childhood, I basically followed traditional Christian theology. No specific denomination but the basics of traditional Christianity. During this time I was also actively developing my imagination which I believe allowed me to balance my left and right brain thinking more easily later in life. At the age of 20, I decided I was going to prove Christianity and the Bible wrong. In retrospect, that's not the most appropriate approach to spiritual growth but it worked for me. Once that happened I started reading for real. I read anything I could get my hands on that was related to spirituality, Religions, inter-dimensional beings, UFOs, sacred geometry, free energy, and whatever came at me. A few years later I was laying in bed one night and I said a prayer that went something like this: "God, please help me to learn about magic. Not the fake David Blaine- Chris Angel crap, but real magic." I was truly becoming interested and I felt this was the only way I was going to find anything out. One month later, on a random encounter, a man from out of town came to my house to visit with one of my roommates for a few minutes. We began talking and long story short he was going to be bringing me a box of books from an old occult/esoteric bookstore that had gone out of business. If I ever needed proof of God or that prayer works this put the final stamp on it. From there my learning curve went up significantly. I read books on The Qabalah, the I-Ching, The Book of Enoch and many more like it. The more I learned the more I realized how little I actually knew. I understand that this process will never end. Shortly thereafter I decided that I would get into drugs and alcohol for the next 15 years. Besides the obvious negatives that come with that lifestyle, it was difficult to live with the knowledge that I had and the little bit of understanding that I had based on my behavior. They didn't match for a long time. I got myself to a point where I had a fiancé and a decent job and an idea of what my life was going to look like and in one weekend I lost my fiancé, my job, and my place to live. After a couple of weeks of couch tour, I finally surrendered myself back to God. This was done with the help of my sponsor, a network of good people and my own willingness to do whatever was necessary to change. October 18th, 2018 is my official re-birthday. Rather than go on and on about the next year let's just say it was like living a consistent miracle. I very quickly got in touch with myself and did my shadow work which truly lifted me up and allowed me to start living my new life. I heard Mark on Infowars in April of 2020 which put me back on track to spiritual growth and understanding. I dove headfirst into the idea of doing The Great Work. A year and a half later and here we are. This is the beginning of a new journey and I look forward to growing and sharing with this amazing network of people, The One Great Work Network. I consider it an honor to be hosting information on this site. I feel my best work is done in the area concerning the use of God. I have studied sacred geometry, chakras, spirituality, and the occult. Applying the concepts learned within these schools of understanding is where I feel I can offer my best help. I look forward to learning and teaching alongside my fellow Truth seekers. I will always be true to myself and I will always serve Truth. Be Free.
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