Psalms 23

4 months ago

Dear Global Friends,

Yes. My Mother named me Victoria, but I was named Rachelklara by God.

Rachel means God's ewe or little lamb. Go ♈ Aries 🐏.

Klara means illumination or bright illustration or illustrious.

Klara is about Light, Shining Forth, Being a Beacon: As A Light House Light guides the way on a stormy night or even a star studded evening away from the rocky shoreline which will ruin the ship ⚓ Go Neptune!!!

Rachel is a term of endearment from God. NO! God does NOT use me as His sacrifice. God enjoys my company & I enjoy DELIGHTING in Him.

And in God's and my RECIPROCAL actions We are demonstrating to others a way of living, a way of being ~ just as I see in others ~

Hope the reading of Psalms 23 of the little shepherd boy turned King after God's Own Heart helps ~


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