Steve Kirsch about lack of success stories about COVID vaccines

1 month ago

"There aren't any success anecdotes. When I asked for people who've been harmed by the (COVID) vaccine I get inundated with all sorts of horror stories of the vaccines and people know someone. And my doctor friend said everyone in the military know someone who's been injured by the vaccine. But where are the success stories? I have never heard a success story...
The more shots you get the more likely you are to get COVID. They prove that in the military, I got the stance in the military. It's like people who are unvaccinated weren't getting COVID anywhere close the rate that people who are vaccinated getting COVID. So the military has this data, they're simply ignoring it and it's so tragic...we never see a case where that nursing home rolled out the vaccines and the 10 deaths they were getting per month went to zero from COVID after the shots rolled out. The stories that I hear are just the reverse. The stories that I see and I can see in the Medicare data, I know there's this one clinic that I'm aware of, I know when they rolled out the shots, because I got a call from someone who has a relative that works there, and I know when the shots were rolled out. Before the shots rolled out they were having one death a week and very consistently. After the shots rolled out they were having 8 deaths per week for the next 3 weeks straight after the shots rolled out. That's not a coincidence. These shots are a disaster, that's why there are no success stories anywhere. There are no success stories in the nursing homes, there are no success stories in the geriatric practices, there are no success stories in the military, there are no success stories period."

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