2024 SEP 08 Sunday AM Ps Jimmy Swaggart Creation is subject to two immutable Laws.

4 months ago

MAN HAS DILEMMA HE CANNOT RESOLVE but GOD HAS the solution is determined by your choice

GOD HAS Reconciled and Atoned
Text Romans 5: 11-12 KJV (King James Version)

The fall of Adam set his offspring to be born under the Law of Sin and Death and there’s only One Way to be to get out from under that default. The dilemma is there’s absolutely man can do to release himself from that default, it requires something outside of his realm and abilities to possess, hence man has dilemma he cannot resolve.
> John 1:1-15
> 1 John 1:5-10
> James 1:17

Adams disobedience cursed all his offspring by activating a Default Law of the Creator “Sin cannot dwell with God and the price for Sin is Death: therefore Law man lives under is the Law of the “Sin and Death”

GODS only solution to save mankind from being under the default law required something mankind could never fulfill or qualify to do.

That is make redemption possible for the debt of mankind.

So GOD did for mankind what he could never do he provided the only redeemer qualified and able to and to willing to the price of mans redemption.

That whosoever should believe and receive GODS solution to his dilemma he would be set free to live his redeemed Life in Christ under the: Law of the “Spirit” of (Life in Christ Jesus) that results in Life free from the Law of Sin on Earth and to be with GOD for Eternity

> Romans 8: 1-39


Law of the “Spirit” of (Life in Christ Jesus)
Law of the “Sin and Death”

Acknowledgements Original Sources:
> Credit to Pastor Jimmy Swaggart
> Credit to Family Worship Centre, Baton Rouge LA USA
> Credit to Sonlife Broadcasting Network
> Credit to GOD the creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose son is Jesus the Christ.

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