Deputy Sheriff Jayme Gohde is a Feminazi

4 months ago

What do you get when you put a woman in a man's uniform? A Feminazi!
Meet Columbia County Deputy Sheriff Jayme Gohde who detained James Hodges, who was walking from jury duty. Hodges is elderly and legally blind, Gohde mistook his walking cane for a gun.
She unlawfully detained him and then ridiculed him, even calling him a “dick.” Imagine what would happen if a male deputy called a female citizen by her sex organ or genitalia.
Deputy Jayme Gohde is a feminazi and admitted “tyrant.” She received a 1-week suspension, but she should have never been hired. Her Sergeant, Randy Harrison was demoted. As I’ve said before.
Whether he be a male wearing a dress, or a female wearing a military or police uniform (feminazi), all forms of cross-dressing are a demonstration of bisexual anthropology and a perversion of God’s order of creation.

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