v.84 Giving thanks is a sacrifice. Psalms 50:23 || Live 14-09-2024 || DosimpleTV

5 months ago

v.84 Giving thanks is a sacrifice. Psalms 50:23 || Live 14-09-2024 || DosimpleTV
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Wowwwwww. If we know how much God has done for us, we would glorify him with our sacrifice of thanksgiving. Sacrifice attracts spirits even in the dark kingdom. Thanksgiving to God comes from one who knows that God will either give them what they ask or that God has given them what they have asked. Jesus gave thanks before every great miracle. Remember the feeding of the 5000 men with five loaves and two fishes; raising of Lazarus from the dead. Thanksgiving to God is the act of a man or woman of faith. Watch details and share with friends. CHeers #dennis_onuigbo
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