A Few Pointers About Australian Immigration

5 months ago

I am only going to put one link up here, as I have put so many on my other videos that I am urging you to access those links via them.
I am posting this Jordan Maxwell video as a warning and as challenge to those who are new to the game, and who are posting all over the place as if they are fully aware and leading a charge that they have only joined.
And to all those who see this and do not "get it" and instantly become radicalised, I would have to say that you are likely seriously intellectually challenged.
I had started watching Maxwell's videos almost 20 years ago, and was absolutely thrilled by his in-depth knowledge and intellect, and wondered where he got all that extraordinary information from.
Not to worry, but be aware of what he says, somewhere along the way, about people being drongo-brains (an Australian term for a dumbass) and being completely oblivious to the bizarre events happening around them, and settling for the beer and football, the TV soap operas and other mindless claptrap.Most pertinent i the act that the "useless eaters and useless idiots" have blithely we watched their economies, livelihoods and buying power crater right before their eyes whist remaining blindly oblivious.
The Australia "She'll be right" just doesn't cut it anymore, but idiots like me keep going into battle for them because, as I said in another video I made today: I would be in dishonour if I did not.
One other thing i also say is that if you are not prepared to ty and save yourself you do not deserve rescuing.
Maxwell is scathing about the human race, after sending decades trying to help that race save themselves.
After seeing his unreleased video, it may also be time for me to give the bird and just start look after numero uno and his loved ones-only:

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