Understand THIS to be able to WIN more deals!

4 months ago

If you fail to get sales, then you will run out of money and die!

Personally I have always understood that sales and marketing are NOT the same the same thing, to be able to have a easier time "Selling" you need to be very good at marketing.

Becasue if you are connecting with the wroung people, it doesn't matter how "good" you are at sales, they are not going to see the vaule or be the right people for your thing!

When are creating a way for the right people to connect with you, you can then use this funnel to help, "close" a deal with someone. But in most cases, they are going to go thought the following steps!

A - Information gathering : How much do you cost? How do you work? What is the vaule add for the client?
B - VAULE ADD : help them understand how and why, what you are "selling" is going to fix their challenge!
C - CLOSE : Be able to close the right deals!

If someone comes back to you, and isn't sure or "need time to think about it" then they are questioning the vaule, of what they offered you! Not the price. The you need to think about it, They don't vaule you the thing you are selling at that prices, that doesn't means others will not!

A lot of sales training starts with understanding "how to sell a pen?" the first question you NEED to ask is does someone want the pen?

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