Dregbog-The Wind Swept Tree

1 month ago

Available October!

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Video is from the White Mountains of Arizona. The worlds largest Ponderosa Pine Forest!

Thursbane trudges the sacred fen with bogged down riffs, extra thick bass, and low growls. We shall call these lands... DREGBOG. Where when our native troth flourished, the Bogs and Fens were held sacred.
And some times the Dregs of society were given to such places. Profane bodies banished from sight and sentenced/sacrificed to their doom, restoring order to the folk and swallowed by the Bog.
DREGBOG is Metal music. So the themes are selectively "dark" when it comes to naming the band name.
Of course Fens, Bogs and Marshlands are beautiful sacred places abundant in wildlife and resources.

The Windswept Tree
I am between fire and ice, Ginnungagap from within Ginnungagap all around, Where flows the waters of life, There was sown the golden seed, there grew the mead tree, Yggdrasil Odin's steed
It's roots are ever reaching, growing, spreading, deeper Mimir nurtures its care. Below the serpents gnawing, biting, chewing, eating, Nidhogg devouring foul souls.
Hvelgimir, Mimir's well, Urda's well.
No man knows from which root it grows, we only know we are bound to that windswept tree.
Though they have tried no flame nor axe will fell this tree, serpents at the roots, eagle at the peak, Ratatoskr between, four harts eat at the leaves, Vidofnir perched high on the boughs, no man knows from what root it rises, Nornir nurture and keep all in balance, Nornir of three...
and that fate dealing tree, growing, reaching, higher, Nornir nurtures its care.
Below the orms gnawing, biting, chewing, eating, Nidhogg devouring foul souls.
Hvelgimir, Mimir's well, Urda's well.
No man knows from which root it grows, we only know we are bound to that windswept tree.

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