Witnessing the End - Part 7 - Coming Soon! Are You Ready for Jesus to Return?

5 months ago

The Promised Return of Jesus is Very Near. Are You Ready?

Many will say to Jesus in that day "Lord! Lord!" open the door for us also, but He will tell them, "Depart from me. I never knew you!"

How can we test ourselves to see if we are really ready for Christ to return?

How can I be sure that I'm saved and that Jesus is coming for me?

How can I know Jesus as my personal Lord and savior?

Intro [ 0:00 - 1:47 ]

We Need a Heart Test [ 1:47 - 6:49 ]

The Parable of the Ten Virgins [ 6:49 - 11:53 ]

How Do We Trim Our Wicks? [ 11:53 - 14:47 ]

If You Do These Things [ 14:47 - 16:38 ]

Like Servants Waiting at the Door [ 16:38 - 17:20 ]

What Do We Need to Be Ready? [ 17:20 - 20:59 ]

Where Is Your Hope? [ 20:59 - 22:09 ]

Don't Worry [ 22:09 - 25:57 ]

Storing Up Treasure [ 25:57 - 29:16 ]

Endure Patiently [ 29:16 - 31:21 ]

We Must Deny Ourselves [ 31:21 - 31:41 ]

Do Not Forsake Gathering Together [ 31:41 - 32:38 ]

Don't Judge One Another [ 32:38 - 34:22 ]

Many Missed the Messiah [ 34:22 - 36:26 ]

Many Will Cry Out "Lord! Lord!" [ 36:26 - 39:55 ]

It Takes Faith To Recognize Prophecy [ 39:55 - 41:18 ]

Are YOU Ready for Jesus? [ 41:18 - 49:00 ]

Wrap Up & Final Thoughts [ 49:00 - 49:48 ]

May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38).

You can learn more about all of this and a lot more by reading my book:

Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed.

Download it for free at: https://WitnessingTheEnd.com

And Check Out my webpage: https://EndTimesBerean.com

AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE OTHER VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL, like "The Decree Everyone Missed," and, "Did We Miss the Abomination of Desolation?"

You can also find me on YouTube @ End Times Berean.

Blessings in Jesus name!


Christian Widener, PhD

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