Witnessing the End - Part 6 - The Tribulation Has Begun--The Beast is Now Rising from the Sea

5 months ago

We appear to now be in the final 42 months and the beast is now rising from the sea before our eyes, if we know what to look for.

None of this is happening the way anyone really expected, but on close inspection, it looks like prophecy is steadily being fulfilled.

I think there are a lot of misconceptions about the Antichrist, the two beasts of the book of revelation and the last kingdom that Daniel was revealed to the prophet Daniel. So I'll address the following issues:

Who or what is the beast from the sea?
When did the final 42 months start?
When will the beast wage war with the Saints?
And where is Israel being sheltered in the wilderness?
Where are the two witnesses?
Where is the Temple where the Antichrist will declare himself to be God?
When is the Ezekiel 38 war? And a lot more…

For all of that and more, I hope you check out the whole video. :)

Intro [ 0:00 - 1:24 ]

What is the End supposed to look like? [ 1:24 - 6:45 ]

If this is the final 42 months, where is the Antichrist? [ 6:45 - 11:53 ]

Who are the Heads & Horns of the beast? [ 11:53 - 15:28 ]

The Last Kingdom will be different [ 15:28 - 20:32 ]

Did it start on April 29, 2024? [ 20:32 - 24:55 ]

Ten Toes of Clay and Iron [ 24:55 - 26:35 ]

A Fatal Head Wound [ 26:35 - 29:13 ]

The Beast Waging War with the Saints [ 29:13 - 34:14 ]

Two Concurrent Calendars [ 34:14 - 41:25 ]

Where Are They? [ 41:25 - 49:22 ]
The Two Witnesses, the temple where the Antichrist will say he is god, and the sheltering of Israel.

Where's the mark of the beast? [ 49:22 - 53:00 ]

When will the Gog-Magog War come? [ 53:00 - 56:15 ]

Wrap Up & Final Thoughts [ 56:15 - 58:35 ]

May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38).

You can learn more about all of this and a lot more by reading my book:

Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed.

Download it for free at: https://WitnessingTheEnd.com

And Check Out my webpage: https://EndTimesBerean.com

You can also find my videos on YouTube.

AND DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE OTHER VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL, like "The Decree Everyone Missed," and, "Did We Miss the Abomination of Desolation?", "The Final Jubilee", "Coming Soon! Are you ready for Jesus?", and "Tribulation Signs: 2020-2027"

Blessings in Jesus name!


Christian Widener, PhD

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