Witnessing the End - Part 5 - Did We Miss The Abomination of Desolation on October 7?

3 months ago

The abomination of desolation, spoken about by Jesus in relation to the last days, looks to have just happened on October 7th when Israel was attacked.

It came right on schedule. Another Seventy Weeks, 490 years began in 1537 when Sultan Suleiman decreed that Jerusalem should be rebuilt. He placed plaques documenting the fact at the Temple Mount plaza and the moat around the Citadel of David (see Daniel 9:25). 483 years later takes us to 2020, when the first seal of Revelation chapter 6 was opened. Three and years later, exactly as prophesied, the abomination of desolation occurred on October 7.

At least the first part did. If you read the Scripture closely, there seems to be TWO parts to the abomination of desolation, and only the first part happens at the middle. The first is a desolation, the second part is a blasphemy and profaning of the temple. And historically, the abomination of desolation in the days of Antiochus Epiphanes IV was also a two-part event. The temple was desolated in 169 BC and then an idol was set up two years later in 167 BC. It seems that the last abomination of desolation will also be a two-part event.

You can also read about the case for October 7 as the abomination of desolation in my blog: https://endtimesberean.com/2024/04/20/rethinking-the-abomination-of-desolation/

The full evidence for this being the last seven years before the return of Jesus Christ is all spelled out in my book, Witnessing the End: Daniel's Seventy Sevens and the Final Decree Everyone Missed. It's available on Amazon or as a free download from: https://WitnessingTheEnd.com

You can find out more about me and the other things I've been talking about in Bible prophecy at: https://EndTimesBerean.com

Also check out the other videos on my channel, End Times Berean here on Rumble, or you can also find me on YouTube @ End Times Berean.

The hour is getting late, and time is short. I hope that this video will help show just how close we really are to the return of Jesus.

May we be found ready when He comes (Luke 12:38).


Blessings in Jesus name,


Christian Widener, PhD

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