About The Police And How To deal With These Corporate Policy Enforcement Officers

5 months ago

A discussion of issues relevant to policing in Australia, with some interesting revelations about the status of the Police, especially in Victoria, Australia.
Links provided as stated in the video.
What The Minister Said:
Stephen Spiers's persecute-wrongdoings in the Victorian COVID lockdowns.
Take screenshots of the slides, and follow The Ball Is Wild:
Serene Teffaha on the illegality of the COVID lockdowns:
https://www.advocateme.com.au/our-actions (a good read)
This is superb:
In their rave about collaborative legal actions Serene is talking legal and lawful on the same page.
Trouble is that legal and lawful are two separate things, to be explained another time.
There are lots of links in the other videos of mine I have posted, so please take the time to use them.
One of my You Tube videos that is a little prophetic about Australia's current economic climate, because what I say in that one is exactly what is happening now-concerted action is required:

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